Did you know that if you choose to drink and drive and get involved in an accident in which someone is killed that you can be sentenced to serve 15 years in a Florida Correctional Institution? Or if two people die in the accident you can spend 30 years locked away? Thirty years, think about that really hard. I didn’t. I never thought it could happen to me. I thought the worst that could happen is that I could get pulled over and get a DUI. If that had ever happened, I’m sure I would have thought about it a little harder, but until then, no worries. I knew people who got DUI’s in high school. It really didn’t seem like that big a deal. They paid their fine, lost their license for six months and caught rides with friends until they got their hardship license for school. An accident where someone gets killed, well, that was just not going to happen. Not in a million years did I ever think it could happen to me, or that I could end up where I am today.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Time To Get Serious!
Did you know that if you choose to drink and drive and get involved in an accident in which someone is killed that you can be sentenced to serve 15 years in a Florida Correctional Institution? Or if two people die in the accident you can spend 30 years locked away? Thirty years, think about that really hard. I didn’t. I never thought it could happen to me. I thought the worst that could happen is that I could get pulled over and get a DUI. If that had ever happened, I’m sure I would have thought about it a little harder, but until then, no worries. I knew people who got DUI’s in high school. It really didn’t seem like that big a deal. They paid their fine, lost their license for six months and caught rides with friends until they got their hardship license for school. An accident where someone gets killed, well, that was just not going to happen. Not in a million years did I ever think it could happen to me, or that I could end up where I am today.
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Monday, December 26, 2005
Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry CHRISTmas!!

We'll that was delightfully exhausting! Christmas Eve was spent with Brett's Family. All of the cousins played and played. Everyone had so much fun.

Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Friday, December 23, 2005
Night of Lights
Last night we took the kids to Stone Mountain. We all have a season pass so it was all free. We saw the 4-D movie and walked around Santa's Village. I wanted to ride the Tram to the top of the mountain. That would have been so cool, but Brett was too frightened to. Trent and I were all ready for it. But maybe next time. They had put a Christmas tree at the very top. It was way too cold to ride the train. We toured the park of lights. It was a fun time.

Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Thursday, December 22, 2005
A Day At Delta

So Today Brett took Trent to work with him. Since Brett has to be at work so early (6:30am) Trent was so tired when they got home. He had so much fun. I was worried that Brett's Delta Crew would corrupted him but they did ok. I guess I will really know in the next couple of days if Trent picked up on some "words" he shouldn't repeat. He got to tour an airplane and even sit in the cockpit. Last week he came to work with me one day. I guess Delta is more fun than Lassiter. Brett had him busy all day. And since several of Brett's cousins work out there too he got to visit family.

Posted by Lisa 0 comments

Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Texas Holdem'
On Tuesday night a bunch of my poker girlfriends got together for a little game of Dirty Santa aka. White Elephant game. We had fun. But they better watch out next month when we play. Brett's family has been getting together and playing some. I'm getting good.
It's so nice to get together with everyone every month. I look forward to just getting out and catching up.
Posted by Lisa 3 comments
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
To the Woman Who Thinks It's Ok To Breastfeed In A Resturant While I'm Trying to Eat.............
Posted by Lisa 2 comments
Monday, December 12, 2005
Here Comes Santa Claus.
We finally took the kids to see Santa on Friday night. It was a perfect time to visit him. There was not a sole in line. (Maybe because we went to Stonecrest and the "Traditional Santa" was there.) But Anyway, he was extremely nice. He took such time with the two of them. I was afraid that Alyssa would be scared but she wasn't. She went right up to him with no problems.
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Bless Your Heart!
He explained to me that yesterday at school his class made gingerbread houses. And when he got off the bus, Jake, our dog got a hold of it and ate it. Can you believe that? Poor thing. He was so sad. He wanted me to see it. I wrote the teacher a note asking her for directions on how to make it so we could make another one. Man, sometimes life just isn't fair.
Posted by Lisa 2 comments
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Merry CHRISTmas!!!!
Last night we finally decorated our CHRISTMAS tree. That's right! Our CHRISTMAS tree. Not our holiday tree. Not seasonal tree. Not festive tree. Our CHRISTMAS tree. Each year we let the kids pick out a new ornament for our CHRISTMAS tree. Alyssa picked a Carebear and Trent of course got Darth Vader.
I just read an article in my local paper. I wanted to share.
Happy holidays? Retailers debate what to call season.
It looks like Christmas, smells like Christmas and feels like Christmas, but major retailers are shying away from the word and substituting "holiday," leaving shoppers confused, angry or pleased.
And the whole push-pull over marketing "Christmas" versus "holidays" has retailers scratching their heads about what to do next season.
* Lowe's home improvement chain removed banners reading "holiday trees" and replaced them with new ones reading "Christmas trees."
*Target stores are still being criticized for refusing to change their current "Gather round" theme. Last year, the chain banned Salvation Army bell-ringers, a decision that still stands.
* Even Wal-Mart, the nation's largest retailer, made "Home for the Holidays" its seasonal theme. The chain also told employees in general to greet customers with "happy holidays," giving them permission to use the word "Christmas" Â when they think it's appropriate.
"Our people are urged to be smart," said Wal-Mart spokesman Dan Fogelman. "If they see Christmas goods in a basket, they can say 'Merry Christmas.' If they see a menorah, they can say 'Happy Hanukkah.' Same for Kwanzaa."
Wal-Mart was the target of a short boycott a few weeks ago because visitors to its Web site could not search for Christmas items but could find Hanukkah and Kwanzaa gifts. The company quickly fixed the site to allow "Christmas" searches.
* Macy's flagship Atlanta store at Lenox Square sports a 70-foot, 14,500-pound white pine laden with 4,000 red and green lights but it's called Macy's Great Tree, not a Christmas tree, said spokeswoman Ellen Fructman.
"You will see the word Christmas and Merry Christmas in holiday items at every register," she said. "Nobody has complained about the name of the tree."
Locally and nationwide, governments, too, have struggled with the issue:
* In Atlanta, Gov. Sonny Perdue's office did a quick-step reversal last Friday, sending out a release saying he would light Georgia's "holiday tree" at the Governor's Mansion. But that "news" was quickly changed to say he would actually light a Christmas tree.
* At City Hall, Atlanta has a 15-foot tall "Christmas" tree, decorated with thousands of traditional lights and ornaments.
* In Boston, the parks department was excoriated for advertising the lighting of a "holiday tree." So many complaints flooded in that Mayor Thomas Menino said he considered it a Christmas tree.
* What was billed as the "Capitol Holiday Tree" in Washington was renamed last week the "Capitol Christmas Tree" at the order of House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.)
There should not be a debate about anything. I have always heard Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings and Merry Christmas. It will always be Merry Christmas, a Christmas Tree and Jesus' Birthday to me and my family. Everyone needs to stop trying to be so politically correct. What da hell is Kwanzaa anyway? I had never heard of it until I worked in retail about ten years ago. Did someone just one day make it up?
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Monday, December 05, 2005
Posted by Lisa 2 comments
Friday, December 02, 2005
Weekly Recap
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Tis the Season.
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Monday, November 21, 2005
My Baby Is Two!
Alyssa is two! Her birthday was Saturday. She was so cute. We had alittle party at Chuck E. Cheese. She was really excited to see some of her friends. Thanks for all who got to come. We had a busy day. I'm looking forward to the three's already. These terrible twos started alittle early. HAHA.
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Friday, November 18, 2005
No work for me next week. And man am I excited. Not much going on just taking some vacation time before the end of the year. I like to save most of my vacation for this time.
Tomorrow is little Alyssa's 2nd birthday. We are taking her to Chuck E. Cheese. (I know~~ sooo much fun) We are arriving early hopefully to beat the crowd. Then maybe on Sunday drive down to south Georgia to see some of Brett's family.
I can't believe that it is Thanksgiving already. Eventhough I hate winter I am glad that it finally turned cooler for the holidays. It wouldn't be the same in 90' weather . Will anyone else get up at 4:00 am to shop on Friday? My mom, sisters and I usually do this. I really don't know why. Tradition I guess. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.
And now a rare appearance from......
Posted by Lisa 2 comments
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Today is the Day
Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Monday, November 14, 2005
Weekly Update
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Friday, November 11, 2005
Ode to Brett. He had a colonoscopy today........
HOW TO POOP AT WORK> > We've all been there but don't like to admit it. We've all kicked back in our cubicles and suddenly felt something brewing down below. As much as we try to convince ourselves otherwise, the WORK POOP is inevitable. For those who hate pooping at work, following is the Survival Guide for taking a dump at work.> >
CROP DUSTING> When farting, you walk really fast around the office so the smell is not in your area and everyone else gets a whiff but doesn't know where it came from. Be careful when you do this. Do not stop until the full fart has been expelled. Walk an extra 30 feet to make sure the smell has left your pants.> >
FLY BY> The act of scouting out a bathroom before pooping. Walk in and check for other poopers. If there are others in the bathroom, leave and come back again. Be careful not to become a FREQUENT FLYER. P eople may become suspicious if they catch you constantly going into the bathroom.> >
ESCAPEE> A fart that slips out while taking a leak at the urinal or forcing a poop in a stall. This is usually accompanied by a sudden wave of embarrassment. If you release an escapee, do not acknowledge it. Pretend it did not happen. If you are standing next to the farter in the urinal, pretend you did not hear it. No one likes an escapee. It is uncomfortable for all involved. Making a joke or laughing makes both parties feel uneasy.
JAILBREAK> When forcing a poop, several farts slip out like a machine gun. This is> usually a side effect of diarrhea or a hangover. If this should happen, do> not panic. Remain in the stall until everyone has left the bathroom to spare> everyone the awkwardness of what just occurred.> >
COURTESY FLUSH> The act of flushing the toilet the instant the poop hits the water. This reduces the amount of air time the poop has to stink up the bathroom. This can help you avoid being caught doing the WALK OF SHAME.> >
WALK OF SHAME> Walking from the stall, to the sink, then to the door after you have just stunk up the bathroom. This can be a very uncomfortable moment if someone walks in and busts you out. As with farts, it is best to pretend that the smell does not exist. Can be avoided with the use of the COURTESY FLUSH.> >
OUT OF THE CLOSET POOPER (O.O.T.C.P.)> A colleague who poops at work and is damn proud of it. You will often see an O.O.T.C.P. enter the bathroom with a newspaper or magazine under their arm. Always look around the office for the O.O.T.C.P. before entering the bathroom.> >
THE POOPING FRIENDS NETWORK (P.F.N)> A group of co-workers who band together to ensure emergency pooping goes off without incident. This group can help you to monitor the whereabouts of O.O.T.C.P.'s, and identify SAFE HAVENS.> >
SAFE HAVENS> A seldom-used bathroom somewhere in the bui lding where you can least expect visitors. Try floors that are predominantly of the opposite sex. This will reduce the odds of a pooper of your sex entering the bathroom.>
TURD BURGLAR Someone who does not realize that you are in the stall and tries to force the door open. This is one of the most shocking and vulnerable moments that can occur when taking a poop at work. If this occurs, remainin the stall until the Turd Burglar leaves. This way you will avoid all uncomfortable eye contact.> >
WATERMELON> A poop that creates a loud splash when hitting the toilet water. This is also an embarrassing incident. If you feel a Watermelon coming on while someone else is in the bathroom, create a diversion. See CAMO-COUGH.> >
CAMO-COUGH> A phony cough that alerts all new entrants into the bathroom that you are in a stall. This can be used to cover-up a WATERMELON, or to alert potential Turd Burglars. Very effective when used in conjunction with an ASTAIRE.> >
ASTAIRE> A subtle toe-tap that is also used to alert potential Turd Burglars that you> are occupying a stall. This will remove all doubt that the stall is> occupied. If you hear an Astaire, leave the bathroom immediately so the> pooper can poop in peace.> >
HAVANA OMELET> A case of diarrhea that creates a series of loud splashes in the toilet water. Often accompanied by an Escapee. Try using a Camo-Cough in conjunction with an Astaire.> >
UNCLE TED> > A bathroom user who seems to linger around forever. Could spend extended lengths of time in front of the mirror or sitting on the pot. An Uncle Ted makes it difficult to relax while on the crapper, as you should always wait to poop when the bathroom is empty. This benefits you as well as the other bathroom attendees
Please study this Survival Guide and implement them into your daily routine!
Posted by Lisa 2 comments
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Hate Updated
Hate - verb- "To feel intense hostility or animosity toward"
Hate is a strong word, one that has caused great rifts in our society and great pain in many relationships. It's also a word that most of us utter nearly every day. I don't actually "hate" anyone that I know, but I hate dozens of inanimate objects and certain things that pop in on my TV. So I have compiled a little collection of a few random things that absolutely make me want to scream. It's nice to be able to vent . Please add comments.
These little ba*#$%ds should be #1 on this list. I like ketchup. I especially like it with fries. The thing is, I only get about five fries worth of ketchup out of every packet. If I have a plate of fries, that means I need to awkwardly open and squeeze out SEVERAL ketchup packets to enjoy my meal. Those things arent always easy to open. I will estimate that it takes me 20 seconds to rip open and squeeze out each packet (as your hands get greasy, it becomes more difficult). I am wasting several minutes doing this.
I go to places like Target, Best Buy and Home Depot quite often. You probably do too. The service at those places is almost always horrible, but you wouldn't think so judging by the commercials. How come in the Best Buy commercials they portray well-dressed, well-groomed middle-aged employees smiling and giddy about helping out the customers? I've never had an experience like that. Usually, I have to hunt down some long-haired teenager so I can ask him some question about my I-Pod.
Commercials showing happy and generous employees at these stores are just as false as perfectly melted cheese, crisp lettuce and fresh-grilled burgers in Wendys commercials. The burgers in reality are lopsided, mushy, and greasy.
Okay, has anyone ever actually plucked one of these from their People or TV Guide, filled it out and mailed it in? I hate these things. It's hard enough to find the article I'm looking for without these things getting in my way and falling out all over the place. You know. I'm siin the inthe doctor's office waiting to be seen. I pick magazine and a subscription cards falls all over the floor. That just gets on my nerves.
-People Who Don't Pay Attention While Driving.
I don't like when I'm in the turning lane behind some dude who isn't paying attention and I miss the turn errow or light. Some of these motorists are out of control. If you can't talk and drive at the same time, save your conversation for the home or office. Come On People!!
-Commercials About STD's
-"I could care less"
People- stop saying it. It doesn't make sense. Say, "I couldn't care less." Tell other people to say it too. Help the cause.
-Time between Season Finales and Season Premiers.
The other day at lunch my total came out to $4.03. There wasn't a little penny tray, and although I sighed and gave the cashier that "help me out, man" look- he didn't offer to just take my four dollars. So I had to give him five dollars and had to take 97 cents. Hate that. Why do they price things to come out that way?
-Teenagers Who Think That Itty Bitty Clothes Are Cool.
Are you kidding me? It looks horrible. Every time I see this violation it takes all of my strength not to walk right up to them and say "Did you know that your belly is showing, try not to use the heat when drying your clothes!" Poor Alyssa! If this is cool she will not be. What gets me is that someone has to be buying such things. Some parents today are a mess. Do they just not care? I would never let my child walk out of the house. Which lead me to......
Again~ are you kidding me???? Over and over again I see this. And Yes they can. Take off your blinders and wake up before its too late. I'm sure Ted Bundy's parents thought the same thing.
That's all for now but I plan on updating this list periodically. Please forward me some more "hates" to add to the list.
Posted by Lisa 3 comments
Monday, November 07, 2005
Why Mommy's and Daddy's Differ.
Do you know why Mommy's and Daddy's differ?
1. Mommy's have routines and like to stick to them.
Daddy's do not. ~ I, for one, have a routine at night and in the morning. And I stick to it by the minute. If something throws off my routine I feel really, really rushed. Alyssa is to go to bed between 8:15 and 8:30. Alyssa and I had an understanding about this. ( It only took 1 month but she had it down.) But Daddy goes and throws her routine off. Daddy's little girl. That's what she is. Every night he lets her fall asleep in our bed then tries to move her to her room. Parents~~~~This will create a monster. Before his shift change she was asleep by 8:45. Not anymore.
2. Mommy's at all times usually know where their children are.
Daddy's do not.~ I worked all last weekend at the Atlanta Motor Speedway. On Sunday mid-morning I get a phone call saying "You won't believe what your daughter has done!" Now she's "my daughter. " My little artist had taken a thick permanent SHARPIE and decided to add "color" to my kitchen cabinets, drawers, table and door. "Where were you?" I thought. Enough Said!
Speaking of Alyssa~ I received another "love note" from a worker at her school. (It was a sub and not her regular teacher) The note said that Alyssa was being defiant. Defiant? What does that mean for a two year old? I know that Alyssa's little personality is coming out and she is testing her boundaries. But defiant is such a strong word for her age. Dont you think? I just shook my head. The next day I did confront the sub. And we talked it through. Alyssa is being very, very difficult right now. She is definitely going through the terrible twos. Our eating out days are coming to an end I'm afraid.
*Apologies to Julie and Rodney for Alyssa biting Macy at school**
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
The Flash and Minnie Mouse

and Keith was Mr. Clean again this year! (HAHA)

Here's a group shot of Willie Wonka, Anakin Skywalker, The Flash and Minnie Mouse.

Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Sorry So Late. Update.
Posted by Lisa 2 comments
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Isn't That The Truth
This picture says it all!!! HAHA! We had a wonderful weekend.Friday night Trent had his last regular season game. The coach wasn't there so Brett had to pitch. He did really good because we only had to use the tee a couple of times. We won 14-13. Yeah!!! My dad was our catcher because we was short one player. Not knowing he was my dad the team mom said "Poor Grandpa, he needs to get the game ball tonight!" He worked and worked to get all the balls that were thrown at him. On Saturday we met Brett's family at the pumpkin patch with the kids. They had a blast. 5 little boys and poor little Alyssa.
(Not that she can't hold her own) It was my nephew, Dylan's 2nd Birthday. All of cousins had fun. Eventhough I go to the same pumpkin patch every year it doesn't get boring. We all had a blast. Man, what happended to fall? Winter is already here. I'm glad I took the time to change my closet around.
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Friday, October 21, 2005
Weekly Recap

Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Out Standing Player
So these are the Ola MUDCATS. Don't you just love pictures like these. (Trent is standing right infront of Brett. Brett is the one without a hat) We'll only one more game to go. The team had their party on Tuesday night and Coach Chris handed out the trophies to all the players and the coaches. We ended up having our little party at Burger King, which was great because the kids could play outside on the playground.
Trent received another game ball that night for hitting the best . There's a picture. Also when it was Trent's turn to receive his trophy the coach said, "This trophy goes to the player who is our hardest and best hitter, Trent Barfield" The look on Trent's face is priceless. He was so excitied. He kept asking me, "Did I do good Momma? Did I do good?"
Sign up fee $50.00
Uniforms $55.00
The look on your sons face after receiving his trophy~~ priceless.
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
She's Gone.
Our baby. She's gone. Have you seen her? All we have now is a little girl. Since she has been sleeping in her "big girl" toddler bed for a couple of weeks with no problem I finally took her crib and changing table down. It's sad. I have no baby anymore. I don't even have to carry a diaper bag . I just use her Dora the Explora purse. I can't believe that in exactly a month she will be 2. Wow. Time does fly when they are infants. Thankfully I can still hold on to the fact that she still wears 24 months because when she gets into a 2T she's an offical toddler. Man! That's hard to grasp. Since she is approaching Toddler status we are trying "Time Out". It never worked with Trent but since every child is different we thought we'd give it a try. She has watched different children's video's on the subject and they have tried it with her at school. So I guess time will tell. I never believed in it before. Like Jeff Foxworthy has said " Yeah! My used Time Out. He took time out of his day to whip our A**" Because of her "OI" we have opted to get a toddler bed instead of a twin size one. Trent started out in a twin bed. I used to think that toddler beds were a waste of money, but we are afraid that she might fall off a twin bed and break something. A toddler bed is so much closer to the floor and I wouldnt have to worry as much.
Posted by Lisa 3 comments
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Where Did It Go?
Ok! So Trent lost another tooth. That's two within two weeks. He is mortified because we can't find it. I think that he swallowed it. I guess we will find out in a couple of days>>>>>See other things Trent's swallowed>>>>>>
A Penny ~ Cool x-ray of it stuck in his throat.!!
We looked everywhere. I originally told him that there would probably be a delay in the "tooth fairy" visit because
we couldn't find the tooth. ( She didnt have change for a $20) But I couldn't let that happen. Quick thinking on my part. I took the money out of his bank that I had given him last week and the tooth fairy slipped it under his pillow Again. (Don't worry she will replace what she took) On another note:
Brett's first day on the day shift was "different". We acutally ate dinner at a normal decent time and together, which doesn't happen during the week that often. But we are going to have to overcome some challenges. (1) being the fact that he has to get up so darn early. 4:15 am . Man that stinks. We are going to have to put the alarm on his side of the bed so I don't have to get up to turn it off. And since Alyssa still wakes up in themiddle of the night (around 3 am) he is getting a little taste of my life that has been the last 6 years. Also Brett didn't make it home before the bus came. He was only 5 minutes behind her but she wouldn't let Trent off the bus without no one being home. So we are going to have to come up with something. Hopefully, Brett can tweek his schedule by 20 or 30 minutes to elimiate this problem. And since baseball is on the next couple of weeks I didn't have to worry about the TV rules last night. There wasn't anything on to watch anyways.
Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Friday, October 14, 2005
Weekly Recap
Isn't she cute?
This week has been really uneventful. Trent had a really good game on Monday night. He had two doubles and three good plays at third. He even got the ball at third and threw it at first for an out. AWESOME. We won the game eventhough the YELLOW JACKET cheaters had 7 year olds on the team. YEAH! We only have 3 games left. BooHoo. ~~~ Ok! So now that Brett will be on day shift starting on Monday, I will be available for my girlfriends monthly game night. So be aware! I am going to start practicing my Texas Holdem'. I've been watching Bravo so I am ready.
Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Thursday, October 13, 2005
I am so Sore!
Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
For those of you with Toddlers:
My teeth are here..... Hip Hip Hooray!
I wonder who I can bite today?!
I've got to try them out, you see,
I must find out if they'll work for me!!
My teachers say, "Now You Must Not Bite,"
"It hurts your friends and fills them with fright!"
So I'm trying to keep my teeth to myself,
And be nice, to my friends like a good little elf.
But please be patient as I go through this phase,
It is necessary to my development in varying ways
And I will continue to do my best
To use "My Words" when my emotions they test.
Alyssa received this little poem from school. Do they have one for pinching?
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Weekly Recap
Posted by Lisa 2 comments
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
My Baby is 6
Posted by Lisa 2 comments
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Don't Get Me Wrong......
I love Baseball, but................
I hate that I have to wait three weeks for a new episode of Prisonbreak. It is just getting good. You know a show is awesome when you are constantly screaming at the television during the whole hour. At one point I thought I had awoken the kiddies.
All of the Fox shows are making room for the Baseball playoffs. ~ So just be prepared!!
Trent's allergies have been really acting up this week. Poor thing. So bad his eyes were swollen. He looked like Rocky after a fight. He cried not to go to school. "Momma, I don't want the kids to see me this way." I took him to class and explained his condition to his teacher. He was fine when he got home. (I actually think he like the extra attention) He was all ready to go today and the swelling was down. I guess he knows that he can't play in the leaves anymore.
Tonight another baseball game. Speaking of that I'd like to call out the cheater Dodger team from last Friday. Using 7 year olds instead of 5-6 year olds. You should be ashamed!
Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Friday, September 30, 2005
Weekly Recap!
Man this week has really gone by fast! Monday Trent had a baseball game and he got a triple!! I was sooooo excited. I can't ever sit at his games. I am the typical team mom, always taking pictures. We've had alot of homework to get through this week because of the gas holidays. Alyssa has been having so much fun in her new class. Her teacher stopped me the other day and committed on how much Alyssa talks. I have always thought that she was a little "advanced" for her age. Trent didn't do half the things at her age that she does. She already speaks in complete sentenance. My favorite is when she asks herself "Where's my bobo?" Then she will also answer herself, "Hind you momma, hind you."
I have been really busy every night so I had to tape some of my shows. I will watch them this weekend. Trent has his school's fall festival tomorrow. He is excited. He also wants to go get his Halloween costume. This week he wants to be a clown. I have always waited until the week of Halloween to buy them because he cant ever make up his mind. But this year I am making him decide earlier. Why does my son always come up with some "non-boy" costume. A couple of years ago he was a chicken. I looked and looked for that thing and finally found one.I cant wait for the princess and strawberry shortcake costumes.
Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Thursday, September 29, 2005
The Day Over
"Good friends are like stars...You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Busy, Busy
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Monday, September 26, 2005
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Friday, September 23, 2005
My Weekly Recap
Posted by Lisa 3 comments
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Looking Forward continued....
Ok Here are honorable mentions in the television category....
One Tree Hill (WB) ~ Moved to Wednesdays at 8:00pm. The music is incredible and its another Dawson's Creek replacement. Chad Michael Murray is not ugly either.
America's Next Top Model~ Tyra Banks. This show is for amusement only. I love to watch these girls be so catty with each other. They are so funny. And Tyra makes them pose in different dangers. ( off of cliffs, with snakes, in water tanks.)
That 70's Show I absolutely love this sitcom. Everything about it is funny. But with the reruns playing all day and night it can get a little stale.
Extreme Makeover: Home Addition. Ty Pennington, need I say more. I love to watch the last 15 minutes of it as they give the Big Reveal.
Crossing Jordan I like this show but it interferes with Grey's Anatomy. I catch it on the rerun because I like Jerry O'Connell.
Has anyone seen the previews for Inconceivable on NBC? It has Ming Na from ER. It looks really good. The only problem with this show is that it is on Friday nights. And only loser's and couple's with children are home on Friday nights. But I will give this a try, since my Friday nights are free.
For the people who really, really know me... Know that I love TV/ and celebrities. Because you are my friends I will share with you all of the secret spoiler sites that I can.
www.futoncritic.com- This site gives tons of information on a variety of levels.
http://daysofourlives.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bethsdayspage.com%2Fdays%2Findex.html- if you like Days of Our Lives.. you will love this.
http://lost-forum.com/index.php- If you get Lost you will love this...........
Some other time wasters....
To look up any actor/actress use http://us.imdb.com/
Check out these mistakes. http://www.moviemistakes.com/film3144
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Ps~ For the Days of Our Lives Fans: I have an awesome spolier site but its for members only so if you want to know email me and I will be glad to share.
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Always Something To Look Forward To...
Posted by Lisa 2 comments
Monday, September 19, 2005
My kids are smarter......
Posted by Lisa 3 comments
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
I'm A Blogger!
Posted by Lisa 2 comments