We'll that was delightfully exhausting! Christmas Eve was spent with Brett's Family. All of the cousins played and played. Everyone had so much fun.
Trent was really into Christmas this year. We set out the reindeer feed for Rudolph and gang and cookies and coke for Santa. Trent said it must be coke and not milk because he saw that on TV. (Great commerical for Coke) He even wrote him a letter by himself. It said "Dear Santa, Thank You, I like your elfs and reindeer, Love Trent! Too Cute!! He was so excited to get his Power Rangers SPD Swat Truck and Men. Alyssa kind of new what was going on. She played and played with her Dora house. By the end of the morning she knew exactly how to rip open the presents. After our own family Christmas we made our way to my parents house, Nanny and PaPa. My sisters and their kids were waiting for us . We all had fun. And now we have the Christmas Blues. 

Alyssa wither her crib, high chair and Dora House

Cousins Trey and Emily with Trent
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