Sunday, October 09, 2005

Weekly Recap

Sorry I didn't post on Friday. I finally got out of town on a short trip to the mountains. I had a very eventful week last week. Of course it was Trent's birthday and I got to eat with him at school. That was so much fun. Kids at that age are priceless. You never now what they will say or do. He was so excited for me to go. Alyssa did alright this week too. Although on Thursday I did get a report that she had a hard time listening. (Ok! She's almost TWO. Of course she does.) I never get it when I get these kinds of reports. What do they expect me to do? By the time I go to pick her up, she's not going to remember what she's done. If she had hit or bit I could tell her NO BITE or something. But not listening. I don't understand that. Thursday Trent came home with a loose bottom, front tooth. Of course he was mordified. But one mention of the toothfairy took care of that. Friday night it fell out in his sleep. He woke me up about 3:00 am saying, "Momma there's something in my mouth!" I knew what it was. We had left out Friday afternoon for the mountains. It was a nice trip. We walked through a couple of Festivals, went to Helen and took Alyssa to Cleveland to see Babyland General. She was really excited to see all of the babies there. We returned Saturday night.
But best of all Brett finally, finally got moved to day shift (M-F). We are so excited. He starts next week. We have been waiting for 5 years for him to the chance to work days. So next week will be an adjustment for us. I am used to sleeping by myself during the week. I did have to set some ground rules for him regarding my TV time. I get Sunday 9-11, Monday 9-10, he can have Tuesdays, I get Wednesday 9-10, Thursday 9-11 and he can have Fridays. He better catch up on Lost. Or that's what he will be.
PS~ Anyone playing Monopoly at McDonalds. Fill free to send me your game pieces. Call me lucky but I have already won 100 pictures from You can't win if you dont play.


Brittain... said...

Brett can have Tuesdays cause you will be at Bunko? I hope!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness I cant believe that the teachers would expect you to punish her for not listening kids at her age probably wouldnt know what that meant. i dont think these teachers have kids at the age of two. i dont but even i have enough common sence to know two year old dont listen all the time and punishing them hours after it happens would not help.