Monday, November 14, 2005

Weekly Update

Last week was a little busy and out of routine for me. Trent received his report card last Monday. He did extremely well. **Warning: Bragging Here** He got the highest in every subject that kindergarteners could receive. S's (Even in conduct) I was so proud. He seems to be adjusting really, really well and learning a lot. Wednesday night was "Girl's Game Night" On an average ten, friends from high school/college get together once a month and play games. We used to play Bunko, but we have recently switched to Texas Holdem. I have been watching Bravo every week to learn the game. We all are learning , except for Heather, who makes a living playing on weekends. Yeah! I lost. I haven't been able to go a lot but now that Brett's off nights it makes it easier. Brett did have his colonoscopy on Friday. Everything *laterally* came out fine. So that's great news.