Saturday, October 29, 2005

Sorry So Late. Update.

I am so sorry that it has taken so long to update. I have been really busy both at work and at home. No more baseball till spring. I always look forward to the games but it will be nice to have a break. And plus it is getting too cold to be out at night. We are all adjusting well to the new shift. It is nice to have help at night with homework, baths, etc. We even got to enjoy "The Great Pumpkin" on TV. (I feel another Barfield tradition in the making)
For those of you who don't know ~~after having 6 broken bones this year, Alyssa was diagnosed this summer with Type 1 (OI) Osteogenesis Imperfecta. aka Brittle Bone disease. So yesterday she had to go have skeletal x-rays done at Scottish Rite to see if the (OI) is showing up anywhere else besides her arms and legs. She has had this done once before in March and it was horrible. They can't sedate or put the little patients asleep for this so it took 3 tech's to hold her down while she screamed Mommy! Mommy! for 1 1/2 hours. I had been dreading this appointment for 3 months. But little Alyssa was such a trooper. She did really well. It only took me and 1 other tech to hold her while another tech took the x-rays. She cried with the head x-rays, but other than that she did great. It's a lengthy process because they have to x-ray every bone in her little body. She didn't even move so they got all x-rays taken on the first try. It wasn't that bad at all and even the techs were nice. Not like before. Last time they all still thought we were abusers. Scottish Rite is an awesome place to go. I just hate sitting in the waiting rooms there. It's heartbreaking to see all of the really, really sick, disabled children. Everytime I leave there I feel so blessed. We have an appointment on Wednesday, Nov 16th for her results. (Her doctor only sees patients on Wednesdays~ must be nice!)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Isn't That The Truth

This picture says it all!!! HAHA! We had a wonderful weekend.Friday night Trent had his last regular season game. The coach wasn't there so Brett had to pitch. He did really good because we only had to use the tee a couple of times. We won 14-13. Yeah!!! My dad was our catcher because we was short one player. Not knowing he was my dad the team mom said "Poor Grandpa, he needs to get the game ball tonight!" He worked and worked to get all the balls that were thrown at him. On Saturday we met Brett's family at the pumpkin patch with the kids. They had a blast. 5 little boys and poor little Alyssa. (Not that she can't hold her own) It was my nephew, Dylan's 2nd Birthday. All of cousins had fun. Eventhough I go to the same pumpkin patch every year it doesn't get boring. We all had a blast. Man, what happended to fall? Winter is already here. I'm glad I took the time to change my closet around.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Weekly Recap

Man! This week has been an adjustment. To have Brett home at night has been nice. But I am so used to my routine that I have had for 2 years it's hard to change. We defintely need a bigger bed. We both are so used to having the bed to ourselves. Brett during the day and me at night. Waking up at 4:30 versus 5:30 has been rough too. I actually just lay there from time Brett gets up until its my turn. But with all of that said it has been great. We are finally living like a real family. I haven't had to cook dinner once this week. Although we have been very busy every night. Besides his baseball game I went and had all my hair cut off. Thanks, Charles! It looks great! I love it. I can barely put it in a pony tail now, that's how short it is. It sits on my shoulders. I feel so much lighter. This weekend we are going to the pumpkin patch. Until then.......

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Out Standing Player

So these are the Ola MUDCATS. Don't you just love pictures like these. (Trent is standing right infront of Brett. Brett is the one without a hat) We'll only one more game to go. The team had their party on Tuesday night and Coach Chris handed out the trophies to all the players and the coaches. We ended up having our little party at Burger King, which was great because the kids could play outside on the playground.
Trent received another game ball that night for hitting the best . There's a picture. Also when it was Trent's turn to receive his trophy the coach said, "This trophy goes to the player who is our hardest and best hitter, Trent Barfield" The look on Trent's face is priceless. He was so excitied. He kept asking me, "Did I do good Momma? Did I do good?"

Sign up fee $50.00
Uniforms $55.00
The look on your sons face after receiving his trophy~~ priceless.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

She's Gone.

Our baby. She's gone. Have you seen her? All we have now is a little girl. Since she has been sleeping in her "big girl" toddler bed for a couple of weeks with no problem I finally took her crib and changing table down. It's sad. I have no baby anymore. I don't even have to carry a diaper bag . I just use her Dora the Explora purse. I can't believe that in exactly a month she will be 2. Wow. Time does fly when they are infants. Thankfully I can still hold on to the fact that she still wears 24 months because when she gets into a 2T she's an offical toddler. Man! That's hard to grasp. Since she is approaching Toddler status we are trying "Time Out". It never worked with Trent but since every child is different we thought we'd give it a try. She has watched different children's video's on the subject and they have tried it with her at school. So I guess time will tell. I never believed in it before. Like Jeff Foxworthy has said " Yeah! My used Time Out. He took time out of his day to whip our A**" Because of her "OI" we have opted to get a toddler bed instead of a twin size one. Trent started out in a twin bed. I used to think that toddler beds were a waste of money, but we are afraid that she might fall off a twin bed and break something. A toddler bed is so much closer to the floor and I wouldnt have to worry as much.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Where Did It Go?

Ok! So Trent lost another tooth. That's two within two weeks. He is mortified because we can't find it. I think that he swallowed it. I guess we will find out in a couple of days>>>>>See other things Trent's swallowed>>>>>>
A Penny ~ Cool x-ray of it stuck in his throat.!!
We looked everywhere. I originally told him that there would probably be a delay in the "tooth fairy" visit because
we couldn't find the tooth. ( She didnt have change for a $20) But I couldn't let that happen. Quick thinking on my part. I took the money out of his bank that I had given him last week and the tooth fairy slipped it under his pillow Again. (Don't worry she will replace what she took) On another note:
Brett's first day on the day shift was "different". We acutally ate dinner at a normal decent time and together, which doesn't happen during the week that often. But we are going to have to overcome some challenges. (1) being the fact that he has to get up so darn early. 4:15 am . Man that stinks. We are going to have to put the alarm on his side of the bed so I don't have to get up to turn it off. And since Alyssa still wakes up in themiddle of the night (around 3 am) he is getting a little taste of my life that has been the last 6 years. Also Brett didn't make it home before the bus came. He was only 5 minutes behind her but she wouldn't let Trent off the bus without no one being home. So we are going to have to come up with something. Hopefully, Brett can tweek his schedule by 20 or 30 minutes to elimiate this problem. And since baseball is on the next couple of weeks I didn't have to worry about the TV rules last night. There wasn't anything on to watch anyways.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Weekly Recap

Isn't she cute?

This week has been really uneventful. Trent had a really good game on Monday night. He had two doubles and three good plays at third. He even got the ball at third and threw it at first for an out. AWESOME. We won the game eventhough the YELLOW JACKET cheaters had 7 year olds on the team. YEAH! We only have 3 games left. BooHoo. ~~~ Ok! So now that Brett will be on day shift starting on Monday, I will be available for my girlfriends monthly game night. So be aware! I am going to start practicing my Texas Holdem'. I've been watching Bravo so I am ready.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

I am so Sore!

Man! I am sore! Brett's cousin, Megan, and I decided to start "running" a couple of times a week. Ok! So we only ran a little ways, but we walked really, really fast the rest. Then we came home, did 100 crunches and watched One Tree Hill and Lost. I have got to get into shape and lose some weight. The only problem is........ I have got to learn what to eat and not to eat. I am not a real "snacky" eater but I just could eat alot better than I do. I am going to have to make time to eat and eat right. I figure if I at least walk or try to run I will be working towards something.
Time. That's what I need more of. My day starts at 5:40am. That's when my alarm goes off. If I'm lucky and the kids stay asleep, I can get myself dressed and ready by 6:10am. Then I go and wake up Trent. I dress him while he is still half asleep and then let him lay there until Alyssa is up. I get Alyssa up, dressed and fix her hot chocolate to keep her busy while I finish up with Trent.(brushing teeth and hair) We are out the door by 6:45 am. I take him to the bus stop (at the end of our driveway) and the bus comes anywhere from 6:55 am to 7:05 am. I drive Alyssa to school and hopefully get there by 7:40 am and then off to work. I work from 8-5 with a wonderful hour for lunch to run errands or have a child free meal with co-workers or friends. Then I leave work at 5:00 pm, pick Alyssa up around 5:30ish and I finally get home around 6:25 pm. After dinner is done and homework is finished I put Alyssa to bed around 8:30 and Trent at 9:00. Then I get two whole hours to watch TV or whatever I want. Starting next week things will be better as far as time goes.... Brett starts his day shift and will be home at 3:00 pm everyday. Maybe if I'm lucky he can start dinner!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

For those of you with Toddlers:


My teeth are here..... Hip Hip Hooray!
I wonder who I can bite today?!
I've got to try them out, you see,
I must find out if they'll work for me!!

My teachers say, "Now You Must Not Bite,"
"It hurts your friends and fills them with fright!"
So I'm trying to keep my teeth to myself,
And be nice, to my friends like a good little elf.

But please be patient as I go through this phase,
It is necessary to my development in varying ways
And I will continue to do my best
To use "My Words" when my emotions they test.

Alyssa received this little poem from school. Do they have one for pinching?

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Weekly Recap

Sorry I didn't post on Friday. I finally got out of town on a short trip to the mountains. I had a very eventful week last week. Of course it was Trent's birthday and I got to eat with him at school. That was so much fun. Kids at that age are priceless. You never now what they will say or do. He was so excited for me to go. Alyssa did alright this week too. Although on Thursday I did get a report that she had a hard time listening. (Ok! She's almost TWO. Of course she does.) I never get it when I get these kinds of reports. What do they expect me to do? By the time I go to pick her up, she's not going to remember what she's done. If she had hit or bit I could tell her NO BITE or something. But not listening. I don't understand that. Thursday Trent came home with a loose bottom, front tooth. Of course he was mordified. But one mention of the toothfairy took care of that. Friday night it fell out in his sleep. He woke me up about 3:00 am saying, "Momma there's something in my mouth!" I knew what it was. We had left out Friday afternoon for the mountains. It was a nice trip. We walked through a couple of Festivals, went to Helen and took Alyssa to Cleveland to see Babyland General. She was really excited to see all of the babies there. We returned Saturday night.
But best of all Brett finally, finally got moved to day shift (M-F). We are so excited. He starts next week. We have been waiting for 5 years for him to the chance to work days. So next week will be an adjustment for us. I am used to sleeping by myself during the week. I did have to set some ground rules for him regarding my TV time. I get Sunday 9-11, Monday 9-10, he can have Tuesdays, I get Wednesday 9-10, Thursday 9-11 and he can have Fridays. He better catch up on Lost. Or that's what he will be.
PS~ Anyone playing Monopoly at McDonalds. Fill free to send me your game pieces. Call me lucky but I have already won 100 pictures from You can't win if you dont play.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


I added some to HATE from the Sept. 15th post.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

My Baby is 6

Can you believe it? Trent is six today!! Wow! I feel kind of old. Although 29 is an average age for a parent of a 6 year old. There are some that are younger and some that are older. I went and ate lunch with Trent and his class today. All of the kindergarteners are so cute. They look up to you like some superstar.T hey ask soooooo many questions. But after eating lunch in the caferteria with approx. 60 5-6 year olds I do have a head ache. For those who went to Jonesboro there was one teacher who acted justed like Ms. Acree. Oh! And there is no talking at during lunch. There is a big stoplight and you only can talk when the light is off red. It's amazing that most of them watch and listen. Because of Trent's "fear" of birthdays I didn't bring in any cupcakes. He didn't want me to. I am really impressed with the school. Trent is learning so much.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Don't Get Me Wrong......

I love Baseball, but................

I hate that I have to wait three weeks for a new episode of Prisonbreak. It is just getting good. You know a show is awesome when you are constantly screaming at the television during the whole hour. At one point I thought I had awoken the kiddies.

All of the Fox shows are making room for the Baseball playoffs. ~ So just be prepared!!

Trent's allergies have been really acting up this week. Poor thing. So bad his eyes were swollen. He looked like Rocky after a fight. He cried not to go to school. "Momma, I don't want the kids to see me this way." I took him to class and explained his condition to his teacher. He was fine when he got home. (I actually think he like the extra attention) He was all ready to go today and the swelling was down. I guess he knows that he can't play in the leaves anymore.

Tonight another baseball game. Speaking of that I'd like to call out the cheater Dodger team from last Friday. Using 7 year olds instead of 5-6 year olds. You should be ashamed!