We have been actually very busy doing nothing. Does that sound right?? My parent's cooked out on Friday and the kids got the swim. Then we went to the Braves game on the 4th which was cool. since they sent Jeff F down to the minors, Jason Perry, a Jonesboro High School/Georgia Tech Graduate got to play in his place. At his very first major league at bat he got a triple. It was great to be able to see that. Trent had fun. They had awesome fireworks afterwards. My sister, Laurie, had Alyssa. She has the best time over at her house. That's all she has been talking about this week.

On Saturday I was "kidless" so I decided to go over to the mall. I haven't been shopping or to the mall in months. I can't remember the last time that I went. I was so excited to be able to shop by myself. I stayed there from 10:30am till 3:20 pm. I went into every single store that I wanted to. Of course I didn't by myself one thing.... Well besides lunch.... I looked and looked. Nothing. crazy.... That always happens.
We did cook out with the cousins Saturday night and Sunday we hung out at my parents again.
I didn't have cable from Sunday to Wednesday. That about killed me. I couldn't watch that 17 inning Braves game that Brett went to and I have missed very good episodes of Days of Our Lives. You would think without my TV my house would be spotless...... Oh Well.
We will be gone this weekend with Trent All-Star team at State. This should be fun.
Then in Sunday It's........

I can't wait for that.........
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