Tuesday, June 17, 2008

TRUE STORY: Mother goes to pick up her daughter after work one day. Walking in her preschool room mom notices that her "spirited" daughter was on purple. (Which means just OK) Mom goes to playground to get daughter and asks her what happened, why was she on purple. Her teacher starts to laugh behind her clipboard so the little girl couldn't see her. The teacher explained to the mother that she was good all day until art time. Teacher then informed the mother that her "spirited" daughter and drawn to big circles with two little, tiny circles in each of them. Then shouted, "Look I made Boobies.
Boobies, Boobies, Boobies, I made Boobies. The entire class laughed then they all started singing "Boobies, Boobies, Boobies." All the mom could do was shake her head and think, "Well ~it could have been worse."


Brittain... said...

Gee who could that be??

Shanna from BabySchrades said...

haha - the budding artist : )