Poor, poor Trent. All he wants to do is play in the All-Star Tournament. First the heart now this.....
This is what happens when the sun gets in the way of a short-stop throwing the ball to 3rd. The good news is that according to the CT the eye socket bone is not broken. He is just really, really bruised. He says that it doesn't even hurt. (Just his ego, I Think.) He just doesn't like people staring at him. Hopefully the swelling will go down before Friday. His pediatric nurse happened to be waiting with her husband in the emergency room so he was glad to see her.
I didn't think that it was broken but I wanted to be sure. His pelvic area is already black and blue from the heart procedure and it looks really bad too. If I had gotten pulled over last night they would have thrown me in jail for sure.........
They say things come in "3's"! Tell Trent to BE CAREFUL!!
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