As I stood infront of him waiting patiently to get my Giants hat autographed I thought "Holy *&^*&%^ I am standing infront of Ryan Klesko. " He was talking to his friends about meeting him after the game for drinks. Believe me I was trying to see where. Then I just did it. I stuck my hat infront of him and asked for the autograph. Here's another picture...... (Notice my hat in his hand)

I thanked him and walked back to my seat. The usher and Heather were excited for me. I wanted to pee in my pants. My mission was accomplished!!!!!!
Heather and I went to grab a slice of pizza and returned to our seats. He was on the field stretching and I held up my poster and shook it a little. Here was his response.....
Oh my God he just waved at me!!!!! Heather and some guys seating behind us are my witnesses to that!!!!
After I ate (actually I couldn't really eat I was so excited) I walked back down to my friendly usher to take some pictures of the dug out. Guess who walked by........
My new BFF, the usher, offered to take my picture. I stopped Klesko and asked for a photo. He paused, BUT HIS HAND IN THE SMALL OF MY BACK and smiled for the Camera......
Are you looking for the picture?????? Well don't My luck had just ran out. The usher was too close to us and the camera wouldn't snap. He was in a hurry and couldn't wait. So I didn't get that amazing photo. But that's OK. That's just something to strive for next season. He was really nice and patient. Sounding like a teenager...... I could never wash my shirt again.....just kidding.
He played good until he was thrown out of the game in the fourth inning. Here ya go.......
He argued a strike while at bat. (It was clearly a ball) He got ejected because he threw his bat. He didn't understand why when Chipper threw his bat in disgust he wasn't ejected either... (Yeah. Why not!!!!!) haha. Barry Bonds had to pick Klesko up and throw him down the dugout stairs to save him from a fine and suspension. Note: I would have been mad too......
So no more Klesko at first. But we couldn't leave then...... In the middle of the 5th inning Heather and I look up and there I am on the Big Screen singing karaoke against another girl. It was time for the All-Star of the Game contest.......... After the votes were in...... I WON with 74% of the votes.
Here is the video. The quality is really bad though.I don't think I sounded that great. I did sound country. Maybe they just voted for my boobs. For some reason they looked quite big in the video. (haha)
I was so excited I didn't get a still picture.
That topped my night.
**Note: I want to publicly thank Heather for coming with me. I know I embarrass her alittle from time to time.
I think it was really good. The boobs were a nice touch too. How many rolls of toilet paper did that take ;)
Who knows could be the boobs could be the voice. Either way how cool is that!
Miss you guys!
You Go Girl!!! I am so happy for you! I was excited reading all of your good fortune. :) JEN
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