We'll this season starts out with a bang.
Alyssa had a birthday party yesterday so I had Cousin Keith take Trent to practice since Kasey and Trent are on the same team this season.
Have you ever had a funny feeling or has something out of the ordinary just passed through your mind? I was on the way to the practice after the party when I had this thought cross my mind. I said to myself" Maybe not being at the practice wasn't a good idea. What if something happened and I wasn't there." I mean I know that Keith has my cell phone number but suddenly I felt uneasy. I caulked it up to nerves. I arrived at the practice with Alyssa in tow about 3:30 so practice had been going on about an hour. I walk up and Keith goes, I pulled a Brett. It took me a minute to process. Trent was out on the field at his usual 3rd base but hunched over spitting. He turned around and I gasped. His mouth was bleeding and his lip was HUGE. And I mean Huge. Worse than when Brett pounded him. He walked over to me spitting out blood. I calmly took him to the concession stand for some ice. It had happened about 15 min. into the practice, so it had been awhile. He said, Mom, I cried alittle." "It's OK, son." I rinsed his mouth out and made him apply the ice to his mouth.
He then said, "Mom, I made 3 good hits though" I was shocked that he continued playing, but that was a good thing.
I know he was trying to be strong because he knew that we were suppose to go bowling with Ashley for her birthday later on that night. He wanted to go bowl so bad. Since he has his permanent two front teeth I am alittle worried about what I see. Looks like his right front tooth is pushed back alittle. Short of taking him to the after hours Scottish Rite facility I called his dentist emergency number. I will take him tomorrow to be examined.
This picture was taken hours after. It took me that long to get him to let me take a picture. The ice did wonders.
Here are some funny stories from the day.....
I had to drop Alyssa off at my parents house so we could bowl and was worried about moms reaction to his lip and teeth. I said, "Man, Trent! Nanny is going to be upset at me." He said. Momma, it wasn't your fault, it was mine. I should have caught that ball."
Later on at the bowling alley we had to wait about 45 minutes for a lane. As we were sitting there he turned to my sister and I and said, " Look mom, (pointing the lanes) bowling is like knocking somebody's teeth out!" Laurie and I just burst into laughter.