Did you know that if you choose to drink and drive and get involved in an accident in which someone is killed that you can be sentenced to serve 15 years in a Florida Correctional Institution? Or if two people die in the accident you can spend 30 years locked away? Thirty years, think about that really hard. I didn’t. I never thought it could happen to me. I thought the worst that could happen is that I could get pulled over and get a DUI. If that had ever happened, I’m sure I would have thought about it a little harder, but until then, no worries. I knew people who got DUI’s in high school. It really didn’t seem like that big a deal. They paid their fine, lost their license for six months and caught rides with friends until they got their hardship license for school. An accident where someone gets killed, well, that was just not going to happen. Not in a million years did I ever think it could happen to me, or that I could end up where I am today.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Time To Get Serious!
Did you know that if you choose to drink and drive and get involved in an accident in which someone is killed that you can be sentenced to serve 15 years in a Florida Correctional Institution? Or if two people die in the accident you can spend 30 years locked away? Thirty years, think about that really hard. I didn’t. I never thought it could happen to me. I thought the worst that could happen is that I could get pulled over and get a DUI. If that had ever happened, I’m sure I would have thought about it a little harder, but until then, no worries. I knew people who got DUI’s in high school. It really didn’t seem like that big a deal. They paid their fine, lost their license for six months and caught rides with friends until they got their hardship license for school. An accident where someone gets killed, well, that was just not going to happen. Not in a million years did I ever think it could happen to me, or that I could end up where I am today.
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Monday, December 26, 2005
Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry CHRISTmas!!

We'll that was delightfully exhausting! Christmas Eve was spent with Brett's Family. All of the cousins played and played. Everyone had so much fun.

Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Friday, December 23, 2005
Night of Lights
Last night we took the kids to Stone Mountain. We all have a season pass so it was all free. We saw the 4-D movie and walked around Santa's Village. I wanted to ride the Tram to the top of the mountain. That would have been so cool, but Brett was too frightened to. Trent and I were all ready for it. But maybe next time. They had put a Christmas tree at the very top. It was way too cold to ride the train. We toured the park of lights. It was a fun time.

Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Thursday, December 22, 2005
A Day At Delta

So Today Brett took Trent to work with him. Since Brett has to be at work so early (6:30am) Trent was so tired when they got home. He had so much fun. I was worried that Brett's Delta Crew would corrupted him but they did ok. I guess I will really know in the next couple of days if Trent picked up on some "words" he shouldn't repeat. He got to tour an airplane and even sit in the cockpit. Last week he came to work with me one day. I guess Delta is more fun than Lassiter. Brett had him busy all day. And since several of Brett's cousins work out there too he got to visit family.

Posted by Lisa 0 comments

Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Texas Holdem'
On Tuesday night a bunch of my poker girlfriends got together for a little game of Dirty Santa aka. White Elephant game. We had fun. But they better watch out next month when we play. Brett's family has been getting together and playing some. I'm getting good.
It's so nice to get together with everyone every month. I look forward to just getting out and catching up.
Posted by Lisa 3 comments
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
To the Woman Who Thinks It's Ok To Breastfeed In A Resturant While I'm Trying to Eat.............
Posted by Lisa 2 comments
Monday, December 12, 2005
Here Comes Santa Claus.
We finally took the kids to see Santa on Friday night. It was a perfect time to visit him. There was not a sole in line. (Maybe because we went to Stonecrest and the "Traditional Santa" was there.) But Anyway, he was extremely nice. He took such time with the two of them. I was afraid that Alyssa would be scared but she wasn't. She went right up to him with no problems.
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Bless Your Heart!
He explained to me that yesterday at school his class made gingerbread houses. And when he got off the bus, Jake, our dog got a hold of it and ate it. Can you believe that? Poor thing. He was so sad. He wanted me to see it. I wrote the teacher a note asking her for directions on how to make it so we could make another one. Man, sometimes life just isn't fair.
Posted by Lisa 2 comments
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Merry CHRISTmas!!!!
Last night we finally decorated our CHRISTMAS tree. That's right! Our CHRISTMAS tree. Not our holiday tree. Not seasonal tree. Not festive tree. Our CHRISTMAS tree. Each year we let the kids pick out a new ornament for our CHRISTMAS tree. Alyssa picked a Carebear and Trent of course got Darth Vader.
I just read an article in my local paper. I wanted to share.
Happy holidays? Retailers debate what to call season.
It looks like Christmas, smells like Christmas and feels like Christmas, but major retailers are shying away from the word and substituting "holiday," leaving shoppers confused, angry or pleased.
And the whole push-pull over marketing "Christmas" versus "holidays" has retailers scratching their heads about what to do next season.
* Lowe's home improvement chain removed banners reading "holiday trees" and replaced them with new ones reading "Christmas trees."
*Target stores are still being criticized for refusing to change their current "Gather round" theme. Last year, the chain banned Salvation Army bell-ringers, a decision that still stands.
* Even Wal-Mart, the nation's largest retailer, made "Home for the Holidays" its seasonal theme. The chain also told employees in general to greet customers with "happy holidays," giving them permission to use the word "Christmas" Â when they think it's appropriate.
"Our people are urged to be smart," said Wal-Mart spokesman Dan Fogelman. "If they see Christmas goods in a basket, they can say 'Merry Christmas.' If they see a menorah, they can say 'Happy Hanukkah.' Same for Kwanzaa."
Wal-Mart was the target of a short boycott a few weeks ago because visitors to its Web site could not search for Christmas items but could find Hanukkah and Kwanzaa gifts. The company quickly fixed the site to allow "Christmas" searches.
* Macy's flagship Atlanta store at Lenox Square sports a 70-foot, 14,500-pound white pine laden with 4,000 red and green lights but it's called Macy's Great Tree, not a Christmas tree, said spokeswoman Ellen Fructman.
"You will see the word Christmas and Merry Christmas in holiday items at every register," she said. "Nobody has complained about the name of the tree."
Locally and nationwide, governments, too, have struggled with the issue:
* In Atlanta, Gov. Sonny Perdue's office did a quick-step reversal last Friday, sending out a release saying he would light Georgia's "holiday tree" at the Governor's Mansion. But that "news" was quickly changed to say he would actually light a Christmas tree.
* At City Hall, Atlanta has a 15-foot tall "Christmas" tree, decorated with thousands of traditional lights and ornaments.
* In Boston, the parks department was excoriated for advertising the lighting of a "holiday tree." So many complaints flooded in that Mayor Thomas Menino said he considered it a Christmas tree.
* What was billed as the "Capitol Holiday Tree" in Washington was renamed last week the "Capitol Christmas Tree" at the order of House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.)
There should not be a debate about anything. I have always heard Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings and Merry Christmas. It will always be Merry Christmas, a Christmas Tree and Jesus' Birthday to me and my family. Everyone needs to stop trying to be so politically correct. What da hell is Kwanzaa anyway? I had never heard of it until I worked in retail about ten years ago. Did someone just one day make it up?
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Monday, December 05, 2005
Posted by Lisa 2 comments
Friday, December 02, 2005
Weekly Recap
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