Fall Ball wrapped up this past weekend. We had a great season!!

Our web site is http://eteamz.active.com/olamudcats/ . But here are the game summaries.
Monday, November 5 Last Game of the Season
Another great game for the Mudcats winning against the Tornados 18-10!! We were still riding high from Thursday's win. There were some greats hits and wonderful plays all around the field. We saw great team work when Trent stopped the ball and threw it to Caleb for an awesome out at home plate. Aaron made a great catch at second and Conner had a great out tagging third. Awesome defense from everyone. Can't wait for next season!!
Another great game for the Mudcats winning against the Tornados 18-10!! We were still riding high from Thursday's win. There were some greats hits and wonderful plays all around the field. We saw great team work when Trent stopped the ball and threw it to Caleb for an awesome out at home plate. Aaron made a great catch at second and Conner had a great out tagging third. Awesome defense from everyone. Can't wait for next season!!
WHO Beat the Bulldogs.....WHO...WHO...WHO....WHO...WHO Beat the Bulldogs.........WHO...WHO....WHO....WHO...... WHO......... Somebody call Sports Center...... The Mudcats are on Fire........... We looked totally awesome..... VICTORY 18-13.... With the entire Mudcat Roster present we soared into victory. Everyone was on their game. Take that to ESPN and get out the Wheaties Box. The entire Mudcat Club is so proud of each and every player. Austin of course made some awesome outs at first, Aaron stopped some incredible balls coming to second, Tyler was hot on the pitchers mound, Caleb has some great plays behind the plate and at short, Trent was on fire gunning them down at third and at the bat, missing his over the fence homerun by inches, Conner was again pounding the ball into the outfield, Zach ran fast after launching an awesome hit, Regan and Korey made great contact at the plate, Phenix was fast out on the field and had some great hits, Holden was on his game making some great stops and getting the ball infield and loosing a tooth in the middle of the game didn't stop Kasey. Mudcats~~ You are awesome...
WHO Beat the Bulldogs.....WHO...WHO...WHO....WHO...WHO Beat the Bulldogs.........WHO...WHO....WHO....WHO...... WHO......... Somebody call Sports Center...... The Mudcats are on Fire........... We looked totally awesome..... VICTORY 18-13.... With the entire Mudcat Roster present we soared into victory. Everyone was on their game. Take that to ESPN and get out the Wheaties Box. The entire Mudcat Club is so proud of each and every player. Austin of course made some awesome outs at first, Aaron stopped some incredible balls coming to second, Tyler was hot on the pitchers mound, Caleb has some great plays behind the plate and at short, Trent was on fire gunning them down at third and at the bat, missing his over the fence homerun by inches, Conner was again pounding the ball into the outfield, Zach ran fast after launching an awesome hit, Regan and Korey made great contact at the plate, Phenix was fast out on the field and had some great hits, Holden was on his game making some great stops and getting the ball infield and loosing a tooth in the middle of the game didn't stop Kasey. Mudcats~~ You are awesome...
Monday, October 22 Another Awesome Game
Mother nature doesn't scare us! We messed with it and won against the Tornadoes 25-17. We never looked so good. Caleb continued to excel behind the plate with an awesome catch to end the 5th. Trent caught an awesome pop fly in the 2nd. Austin handled 3 outs at 1st and Tyler stopped several balls on his own. Aaron and Phenix made it a team effort getting the runner out at 2nd. Our hitting has improved (or was it the pitching??)with only 3 strike outs. Reagan, Kasey, Conner, Zach, Korey and Holden each had great hits!! AWESOME GUYS!! Game Ball: Caleb and Tyler
Tuesday, October 16 Mudcats Rock!
Wow! Mudcats you surely did show your stuff against the Tornadoes. You rocked it 27-13. The entire team was awesome tonight. Everyone had some monster hits and great plays. Could it have been that awesome line up? Caleb was awesome behind homeplate, Tyler had some great hits and defensive plays, Korey, Kasey and Reagan all pounded the ball. Enough can't be said about this team tonight. Way to play everyone. Only one more regular game then off to the playoffs. Game Ball: Korey and Reagan
Saturday,October 13 Another Hard Day!
Welcome back Coach Chris! Another hard day for the Mudcats with a loss of 23-10. They put up a good fight. We held our own in the 1st and 2nd innings but slowly started to fall apart. But that's ok. Even the Braves have an off game or two. We had some really great hits and made some great plays for outs. But we couldn't stay alive. Tyler had an awesome triple in the 1st. Conner did great filling in getting 2 outs at 3rd in the 1st. Holden had a really great game too playing center field and getting a double in the 1st. Zach was awesome in left field.They both were strong in catching the balls that were hit to them and getting them back into the infield to hold the runners. Really the game was over at 12-9, but that's another story. Two more games to go!! Game Balls: Zach and Holden
Thursday, October 11 What a Great Showing!!
With Coach Chris out of town again this week, sad to say that those darn Bulldogs put a damper on the Mudcats winning streak winning 24 to 13. Eventhough Coach Brett pitched a great game and we had some great hitting there were some defensive errors that costs us the game. But we are learning with every loss and victory. The Mudcats have not lost their spirit. Caleb had an awesome catch behind the plate, Phenix had some great plays, Trent had some awesome throws, Austin's defense was still stellar, Aaron continued to shine, Conner pounded the ball, Korey had an awesome double, Zach gave his all, Reagan ran his heart out, Tyler was great on the mound, Kasey hussled in the out field and Holden threw some bullets from center. But in the end it wasn't enough. So we must carry on. Game Ball: Phenix, Kasey
With Coach Chris out of town again this week, sad to say that those darn Bulldogs put a damper on the Mudcats winning streak winning 24 to 13. Eventhough Coach Brett pitched a great game and we had some great hitting there were some defensive errors that costs us the game. But we are learning with every loss and victory. The Mudcats have not lost their spirit. Caleb had an awesome catch behind the plate, Phenix had some great plays, Trent had some awesome throws, Austin's defense was still stellar, Aaron continued to shine, Conner pounded the ball, Korey had an awesome double, Zach gave his all, Reagan ran his heart out, Tyler was great on the mound, Kasey hussled in the out field and Holden threw some bullets from center. But in the end it wasn't enough. So we must carry on. Game Ball: Phenix, Kasey
Tuesday, October 9 Mudcats Over the Storm
Another awesome Victory 19-13. Everyone was glad to see Coach Chris back in action. The Mudcats fought to the end. Looks like we are growing as a team every week. Conner missed his $100 bill by a couple of inches when his missile to the outfield stopped short then bounced over the fence. Wow! What a hit. Trent had another great defensive night and a great night at the plate. Way to go!! Game Balls: Conner and Trent
Another awesome Victory 19-13. Everyone was glad to see Coach Chris back in action. The Mudcats fought to the end. Looks like we are growing as a team every week. Conner missed his $100 bill by a couple of inches when his missile to the outfield stopped short then bounced over the fence. Wow! What a hit. Trent had another great defensive night and a great night at the plate. Way to go!! Game Balls: Conner and Trent
Thursday, October 4 Mudcats on a Roll!!
Victory 12 to 3!! With Coach Chris still out of town this week our coaching staff continued to step in and take charge. And we did take charge of the Storm. Coach Brett handled the pitching tonight and our players were on a roll. Holden's glove returned to play with some awesome 1st base coverage. And power hitter Trent went deep twice claiming some RBI's and throwing rockets to 1st for some outs. Way to Go Guys. Game Ball: Holden and Trent
Victory 12 to 3!! With Coach Chris still out of town this week our coaching staff continued to step in and take charge. And we did take charge of the Storm. Coach Brett handled the pitching tonight and our players were on a roll. Holden's glove returned to play with some awesome 1st base coverage. And power hitter Trent went deep twice claiming some RBI's and throwing rockets to 1st for some outs. Way to Go Guys. Game Ball: Holden and Trent
Saturday, September 29 Holy Cow! We Are Out of Our Slump!!
Victory 13 to 5. Gooo Mudcats! I guess our summer practices paid off. I know the entire team was alittle nervous starting off the season but we sure did look good out there against the Tornadoes. The first inning was awesome. Our new combo of Tyler and Austin made for a 1,2,3 inning. Awesome plays and awesome outs. Way to Go Guys!! Game Ball: Tyler and Austin. Way to go Mudcats!!
Victory 13 to 5. Gooo Mudcats! I guess our summer practices paid off. I know the entire team was alittle nervous starting off the season but we sure did look good out there against the Tornadoes. The first inning was awesome. Our new combo of Tyler and Austin made for a 1,2,3 inning. Awesome plays and awesome outs. Way to Go Guys!! Game Ball: Tyler and Austin. Way to go Mudcats!!
Tuesday, October 2 Another Victory!!
Victory 15 to 11! With Coach Chris out of town we had Coach Keith sub as pitcher. No Cy Young for him! Thanks to all coaches for stepping in and doing your part. Our hitting was good and our fielding is getting better. Aaron had an excellent game with 2 terrific plays at 2nd. He caught a Fly- Pop and gunned down a runner at home. And Caleb really pounded the ball and had some great plays as well. The Tornadoes just couldn't keep up. Game Ball: Aaron and Caleb.

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