Thursday, March 22, 2007


So Tuesday was picture day for Alyssa. I had bought her a cute little purple dress to wear. It was a real simple polo type dress. . No frills, no lace, no bows. But she still cried her eyes out. "I want my pants!" she screamed. "I don't want to be beautiful." I was able to put a matching bow in her hair. She finally calmed down when we got to the school. When I picked her up she was totally different. She came running up to me, "Mama I like my dress now." I guess I will wait to make judgement until the next time I try to make her wear a dress. Trent's picture day is tomorrow. He is a totally different story.
Trent has a baseball tournament starting tonight @ 6. We are still the MudCats. But we are 7/8 now. So far I don't think that we will be any good but it's having fun that counts right? He is excited to play. I will be posting pictures soon. Our parade is Saturday at 9:30am. All of the boys are excited. I hope the weather is nice for them. Go Muddies Go!


Anonymous said...

Your baseball story about Trent brings back so many memories I have of starting softball season each year. The parade was such a big day! I think the weather will be nice - have fun!
