Friday, March 30, 2007
Mudcats Vs- Locust Grove Dodgers

Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Finally, the Top Ten!
Posted by Lisa 2 comments
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Opening Day!!
Here are pictures from Opening Day @ North Ola Park. Trent and Alyssa had so much fun. Trent played good too. He went (3-3) including 2 singles and 1 double.
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
The Top 11
Tonight was so much better. Everyone seemed to be very comfortable on stage. There were only a few bad performances. Can you guess? I hope they don't repeat "British Invasion" night. I'd rather see Lionel Richie.
Here they are in no particular order.
1. Haley Scarnato (The Exciters “Tell Him”) - She was really good. Totally in a comfort zone. I bet Simon will remember her now.
2.Chris Richardson (Gerry & the Pacemakers’ “Don’t Let the Sun Get You Cryin’”) Very good solid performance. I do think that this was one of his best songs to date. What a cutie.
3. Stephanie Edwards (Dusty Springfield’s “You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me”) I didn't care for her tonight. She is in my bottom three.
4. Chris Sligh (The Zombies’ “She’s Not There”) I like it. Not his best but it was good. I don't like the panning of the crowd. He seemed out of breath too. Poor thing.
5. LaKisha Jones (Shirley Bassey’s “Diamonds Are Forever”) I loved her dress!! She sounded great. I hope she goes far. She captured the song.
6. Blake Lewis (The Zombies “Time of the Season”) For a song that I loathe I liked is version. He is so cool. And he sounded great! He really doesn’t have the range or depth vocally of many of the others but he makes up for it in charisma, confidence and modernity. Way to go Blake. Hate the pants though.
7. Jordin Sparks Shirley Bassey’s “I (Who Have Nothing)" What a depressing song. She has an awesome voice and seems to get better every week. She is Brett's personal favorite. She looked super tall tonight.
8. Melinda Doolittle (Oliver soundtrack’s “As Long As She Needs Me”) This song literally put me to sleep. She has a great voice, but was boring.
9. Phil Stacey (The Nashville Teens’ “Tobacco Road”) What a great song choice he made. He doesn't have very strong vocals but it was good and entertaining.
10. Gina Glocksen (The Rolling Stones’ “Paint it Black”) I really didn't like her performance. It felt was if she was trying too hard.
11. Sanjaya Malakar (The Kinks’ “You Really Got Me”) Simon said it all. That little girl crying in the audience was perfect. I felt the same way....... Bad, just bad. What was up with the producers showing her repeatedly. I wanted to cry too.
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Trent's Baseball Schedule
Thursday- 3/29/2007-7:30pm -Warren Holder Park - Locust Grove
Saturday-3/31/2007-1:00pm -North Ola Park
Tuesday-4/10/2007-6:00pm - North Ola Park
Saturday-4/14/2007-1:pm-North Ola Park
Saturday-4/21/2007-11:30am -North Forty Park - Hampton
Saturday-4/28/2007-11:30am -North Ola Park
Monday-4/30/2007-7:30pm -Warren Holder Park - Locust Grove
Saturday-5/5/2007-10:00am-North Ola Park
Tuesday-5/8/2007-7:30pm -North Ola Park
Saturdat-5/12/2007-11:30am-North Ola Park
Tuesday-5/22/2007-7:30pm-Warren Holder Park Locust Grove
Tuesday-5/29/2007-6:00pm North Ola Park
Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Monday, March 19, 2007
So Tired!
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Friday, March 16, 2007
Little Tidbits
I am not shocked that the "boy" in still hanging in there on American Idol. For those wondering why the prince look a like is still there here is your answer. http://www.votefortheworst.com/
Take a moment to look at the web site. Last year they promoted the "Chicken Little" kid and the year before was John, the red headed crooner. Remember him? So we must all step it up and vote for who was the best voice.
Also, did anyone catch the new show last night "October Road". It came on after Grey's Anatomy. I really liked it. Most of the scenes were filmed here in the fall. Here is a cool article about it. Don't think i won't be scouting out the town to be in a few background scenes.
Knights Ridge is pure fiction as well, played lovingly by metro Atlanta.
In interviews last week, and on the set in December, executive producers and actors praised Atlanta, saying the area provided vistas that were in some ways better even than New England, especially those magical leaves shot this past October through December.
"From a cinematic standpoint, the colors we got during the fall were amazing," Greenberg said. "I think it really makes the show come alive." (Thanks to a cooler, wetter fall than normal, Atlanta did have a "superb" fall for foliage, said Greg Levine, Trees Atlanta program director.)
With its wide variety of oaks, pines and maples as well as a diverse stock of older homes, metro Atlanta can double as a Northern city and, thanks to the warmer weather, "we have longer shooting seasons," said Bill Thompson, director of the state's Film, Video and Music Office.
Indeed, Georgia's milder, less volatile weather and state tax incentives led Touchstone Television and ABC to Georgia, said Scott Rosenberg, an executive producer on the show, who also wrote the screenplay for the 1996 Matt Dillon film "Beautiful Girls."
"Being from New England, I was initially hesitant to shoot down here," Rosenberg said, "but Atlanta blew us away."
The show, which also stars Tom Berenger ("Platoon") as Garrett's dad and Laura Prepon ("That '70s Show") as the ex-girlfriend Garrett left behind, used the scenic town squares of Madison and Newnan for Knights Ridge.
For instance, Ye Olde Colonial Restaurant in Madison became Mighty Murph's Sub Shop, where Garrett runs into his ex-girlfriend in the pilot episode. October Road, the show's namesake that supposedly splits Knights Ridge between the blue-collar neighborhoods and the college, is actually Farmer Street in Newnan.
Agnes Scott College, the Decatur women's college with its classic Gothic architecture, subs for most of Dufresne College, a fictional liberal arts school where Garrett gets a teaching job.
"It's good visibility for the college," Agnes Scott publicist Lee Dancy said after previewing flattering clips of the campus from the show, which strategically blocked out the very Southern magnolia trees. The show also used a home just a few blocks away to play Garrett's childhood abode, adding the white picket fence for effect.
Atlanta's famous Oakland Cemetery gets a few minutes in the sun in Episode 2, when Garrett visits his mom's grave. Nearby, Grant Park is the site of a pivotal pumpkin festival scene in Episode 3.
The director "wanted a very classic gazebo," said John Findley, the show's location manager. "It was beautiful while they were shooting. The way they lit the hardwoods, it was perfect."
Indoor scenes, including Sully's bar, where the major characters congregate, were done in a studio not far from Six Flags.
The vaunted fall colors aren't readily apparent in the first episode, which was shot in March 2006, when trees were budding. To try to simulate fall, the prop department brought in 60,000 to 80,000 silk leaves to scatter about and attach to trees, according to executive producer André Nemec. But for the second episode, when just a day had elapsed in fictional time but more than seven months in real time , the producers didn't need to use any fake foliage at all.
While the "October Road" setting may resemble a town 900 miles north, the accents are distinctly amorphous — by design.
Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Here Is Your top 12?
What a huge disappointment the performances were. I can't believe that this was the top 12. The guys better step up their game.
Diana Ross night, huh. BORING. How much work do you think she has had done to herself over the years. I'm afraid that something is living in that hair!!
1. Brandon Rogers (“You Can’t Hurry Love”)- and you can't forget your words. Not a great way to start the night. Good thing for him he was first to sing. Maybe by the end of the night when everyone goes to vote they would have forgotten that and vote for him. One piece of advice, Don't Ever, Ever Stop the song when you forget the words. Keep going. And No, Brett Phil Collins isn't the originator of that song.
2. Melinda Doolittle (“Home” from the Wiz) - aka the squinter. Doesn't she always though? Give this girl a contract. She came to win. Awesome. Eventhough she was great I think Paula overdid the crying game. Paula is definitely on something.
3. Chris Sligh (“Endless Love”) - The entire song sounded off. Where is Lionel Richie when you need him? I hated the arrangement of the song. It was BAD. But his actual voice wasn't. Dude, keep your glasses on.
4. Gina Glocksen (“Love Child”)- Great song choice. She sounded really good and had alot of energy. Rocker girl.
5. Sanjaya Malakar (“Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”) -Dude got a perm! That's the least of his worries. Go Home Already!! The band drowned him out thank God.
6. Haley Scarnato (“Missing You”)- Poor, poor girl. She may get the boot tonight. She whispered half of the song. And what was that bow in the middle of her dress about? She forgot the words and cried. Hold it together, my friend. She actually looked like she was going to puke. Poor thing.
7 .Phil Stacey (“I’m Gonna Make You Love Me”) He is on the verge of giving me the creeps. He had great vocals and a good song choice, but something is off with him. He was just Ok.
8. Lakisha Jones (“God Bless the Child”) aka Kiki. I personally didn't like the song choice but she sang it well. She has an awesome voice. Doesn't need to wear white though. Her heart comes through as she sings and she does have a very controlled performance.
9. Blake Lewis (“You Keep Me Hangin’ On”) - Revamped version. I really like him. Awesome dancing, great vocal. Let's put on our roller blades and go to the skating rink. Simon says he didn't get it. What? AWESOME.
10. Stephanie Edwards (“Love Hangover”)- I didn't care for this performance. And her dress was hideous.
11. Chris Richardson (“The Boss”) I know that he didn't have many Diana Ross songs to chose from. He did the best he could. His personality came through in this song. He worked the camera but wasn't cheesy about it.
12. Jordin Sparks (“If We Hold on Together”) She really shined during this performance. She would be perfect for the Disney channel. Great song choice and needs to work on the low notes in a song.
Tonight comes the dreaded group songs. When do the "Ford Focus" commercial start? Those are always fun to make fun of.
Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Monday, March 12, 2007
This is what I thought my little girl would look like........ I love this picture of me at 8 years old!!! To be taking a picture my hair is really stringy.... And who cut my bangs???
Funny story... On Friday we where having a conversation about who was the boss in our house. I asked Trent expecting that he would say me. He looks at us and says.... Jesus, God, and Santa Claus are the bosses in our house... Funny!
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Friday, March 09, 2007
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Alyssa is feeling a lot better. We were able to attend my nephew's 6th birthday party with all of the cousins. Here are some great pictures.

I told the boys to look mean. I guess they got it......

I felt sorry for Uncle Danny. He had to hold the stick up. Check out those swings!!

Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Friday, March 02, 2007
Mommy, I sick.....
This is how bad she felt last night...... She just laid there all night. After sitting in the bath for a long period of time we got her out and laid her on the couch with "The Little Mermaid" on. I don't think that she watched it though. I made her place a cold rag on little forehead. Of course neither Brett nor I got much sleep last night. She was so hot. We stripped her down and I replaced the cold rag all night. Both of my kids cheeks get bright red when they are sick. We are tag teaming again today.

Posted by Lisa 0 comments