My new position here at Baker/Lassiter has been keeping my extremely busy. I like it so far. It does seem alittle strange not to be doing my old job since I had been doing it for 8 years. But it was time for a change.
Poor Trent has been sick for a month now. He is just starting to feel better this week. It started out with Strep Throat then two different viruses. He has missed a little more school this month than I would have liked, but if he is sick, he's sick. It was weird his fever would come and go and come and go. Anything from 99 to 102.5. He had his allergy test last Wednesday. Poor guy he is allergic to EVERTHING. And I mean EVERYTHING. He had such a bad reaction to the testing that they didn't even get to the food allergy portion of the test. It seems like everything green or non green outside he is allergic to. Here is the list.......
Animals..... Cockroach, Mites, Dog, Mouse, and Cats. (We don't have to get rid of Jake, he just can't roll around with him and if he pets him he must wash his hands afterwards) Shucks... Believe me I asked if we needed to find him a home)
Trees and Weeds... Red Oak, Willow, Hickory, Red Birch, Red Maple, Red Cedar, Elm, Sycamore, Mulberry, Sweetgum, Box Elder, Cottonwood, Pecan and Plantain. That's all the trees and weeds........ 
Grasses and Weeds....... Bahia, Bermuda, Timothy, Fescue, Johnson, June, and Ragweed. He can play outside but if is out there for more than 40 minutes he has to wear a mask. Which he thinks is cool.....
Most Molds........ I just have to Clorox the bathroom, kitchen Once a week.
I just we will have to get a cow and a horse. He was ok with those. HAHA
So what does all of this mean........He has to take a shower after being outside. No windows open in the house. I replaced all casings on his mattress and pillows. I bought a HEPA filter for his room. I asked about playing ball. The doctor said that he could because he wouldn't be exposed for a long period of time and the most of the field is dirt. He would be running and he thinks he would be ok just as long as he takes a shower after every game. Starting in April he will go twice a week for allergy shots. So then when he gets older his allergens won't affect him as much.
Now we know why he has been sick for so long........