Wednesday, May 05, 2010

The Tooth Fairy

Funny story....

Alyssa has an extremely loose tooth. The other night she was determined to pull it. She tried and tried to wiggle it out but it was simply not ready. Finally around 10pm I told her to stop and just go to bed. I laid down with her to help reassure her that the tooth wasn't going anywhere and that it would be there in the morning.
As we laid there she said...."Momma, Olivia said that our parents are really the tooth fairy and that there is no such thing as the tooth fairy." I was shocked and quickly asked, "Why does she think that?" Alyssa then proceeded to tell me that Olivia had written the tooth fairy a letter and asked if she was real to take the letter. The next morning.... Olivia found the letter and the tooth on her mom's dresser.....
I then asked Alyssa, "Well what do you think?"  With missing a beat... "Momma, I know you are not the tooth fairy because I looked through all your drawers and I didn't find anything!"

Guess Santa will have to be on his toes this year.