Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Scream Machine

We have been trying to teach Trent how to ride a bike since he was 6 years old. He just could never get it. Brett is not the best teacher and Trent is not the best listener, so that makes for a disaster. Trent normally ends up crying in the end. We have had this bike for almost 2 years. It's a very cool bike, but it was just too heavy for Trent and too big. Brett has been hinting that he wants to get Trent a motorcycle in the next couple of years. I told Brett that we wouldn't worry about that now because Trent doesn't even now how to ride a bike and that's first on my list.~ Yesterday I get home to this.........

This is a picture of our driveway. AKA The Scream Machine.

If Trent can ride down the Scream Machine little Taz thinks that she can too.....
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