Not really much going on lately. Trent got a very good report card and Alyssa has not been on red this week. (I probably just jinxed myself.)
I am so excited that I have jury duty starting on Monday. I have only been picked one other time when I was preggers with Alyssa. But I couldn't serve on jury because it was a case against Henry Medical Center involving a babies birth in which the hospital was getting sued for. And since I was pregnant they dismissed me.
So hopefully I will get picked to serve on a jury; like a murder or something cool like that. One of the questions they do ask is if you watch any law type shows on TV. I guess I'm in trouble.
Anyone been watching American Idol?
I know all will be disappointed but I am not sure that I can blog about it this season. I probably won't be able to keep up with it like I used to. There is so much to do at night I am relying on my DVR more and more.
Baseball season is right around the corner. I am so exicitied about that. If you hadn't noticed I added a link to the Mudcats site. It's awesome. (if I may say so myself)
I am so excited that I have jury duty starting on Monday. I have only been picked one other time when I was preggers with Alyssa. But I couldn't serve on jury because it was a case against Henry Medical Center involving a babies birth in which the hospital was getting sued for. And since I was pregnant they dismissed me.
So hopefully I will get picked to serve on a jury; like a murder or something cool like that. One of the questions they do ask is if you watch any law type shows on TV. I guess I'm in trouble.
Anyone been watching American Idol?
I know all will be disappointed but I am not sure that I can blog about it this season. I probably won't be able to keep up with it like I used to. There is so much to do at night I am relying on my DVR more and more.
Baseball season is right around the corner. I am so exicitied about that. If you hadn't noticed I added a link to the Mudcats site. It's awesome. (if I may say so myself)
Here is an In the Past Picture......
Trent as a newborn....1999

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