Girls trip to the Movies was last night. I can't remember the last time that I went to the movies with them. Besides kids movies and an occasional movie by myself I don't really go.
So we went to see 27 Dresses. What an awesome movie!! I wasn't sure if I could sit through another Katherine Heigl movie since Knocked UP but I loved it.(I think that I am the only one who hated that movie) She is way better in comedies than in dramas, such as "Grey's". Maybe it's just Izzy I can't stand. But none the less she was very likable in 27 Dresses. She has great comedic timing. It also stars oh so hot James Marsden. Who some remember from Hairspray and Enchanted. I kept waiting for him to burst out into song during the movie . Anyone remember the TV show Second Noah, about the zoo keeper couple who had tons of adopted kids. He played the oldest son. Anyway the guy can really sing.

It also starred Judy Greer. Who in my opinion never gets credit for what she is deserved. She is one of those actresses that you don't know her name but you recognize her face. She has been in several movies including...... 13 going on 30, The Wedding Planner, What Woman Want and TV Shows My Name is Earl and Two and A Half Men. Seems she is tight cast for the "best friend" roles. She was very, very funny in this movie.

Snow pictures coming soon...........
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