This week has been CRAZY!! I don't think that I have had time to stop and relax.
First for some awesome good news. My dad and I took Alyssa for her followup appointment with the Genetics doctor out at Scottish Rite on Tuesday!! She said that her OI (brittle bone) has just remained in the long bones of her arms and legs. And by the x-ray the bones are getting stronger. It still has the presence of the OI. But its less. As she is growing "good bone" seems to be growing too and less of the "bad bone". So that was great news. She even said that Alyssa could and needs to be riding a bike. PRAISE GOD.
Thursday was Trent's class Christmas Party! That's right! I said Christmas Party! Not Holiday Party. Not Seasonal Party, but CHRISTMAS party. I was joyfully shocked to see them all coloring a manger scene picture when I arrived. Ms. Lyons made each student a Christmas CD and gave them a book. 

I was off on Friday and decided to keep Trent out of school. The teacher said that they were just watching movies all day. So Trent had a fun day. My niece had her Christmas program so I took him to that.
After the program he went and spent the day with Nanny and Papa and I went shopping. Got a new hairdo. I will post that later. I am still trying to get used to it. Brett says that I look like Janet from Three Company. He keeps singing "Come and Knock On My Door."
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