A couple of weeks ago when all of the cousins on Brett's side of the family were in town we decided to take the kids to JC Penny to get their pictures made. I don't know what we were thinking trying to get all 9 (10 and under) to pose for a picture. The poor employees at JC Penny. When they saw that there were nine they almost had a stroke. But the picture actually turned out well. The trip was a nightmare but it was all worth it in the end.

The children are color coded to a sibling. (Except for Jackson whose has one sister on his back) From the back row: Korey, Kasey, Trent, Alyssa, AnnaCarroll. Front Row: Katie, Jackson, Bryce and Dylan.
It's weird that none of the kids look alike. (Not even the siblings, except for the cute red heads)
Here are some others.....

Trent and Alyssa with their 1st cousins, Bryce and Dylan.

Wow! That is impressive they got all of them smiling!
JC Penny... hmpt
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