We'll this weekend started out with a bang!
On the way home Friday after I picked Alyssa up from school I decided to get gas. I always stop at the Texaco infront of her school. (They are always the cheapest gas in town) As I was pumping gas tons of US Marshalls and policeman storm the place. It scared me half to death. I wasn't sure what to do....Stay, go. Alyssa was in the back seat "reading" her book. They handcuffed this guy and slammed him up against the wall. It was really cool. Turns out it was the guy they had been looking for in Ala. who shot the cop. I wonder if there was a reward???
Then later that night..........
We visited the Emergency Room. It was Alyssa. She fell and split her head open. We were at Trent's game and normally she says in the stroller the ENTIRE time. But I was gracious to let her out alittle. She tripped over her stroller and hit her head on the cement manhole that was sticking out of the ground. At first I thought that she probably just had some scrapes on her face but no..... Her cut was so deep. There was blood everywhere. All over her and all over me. But we all know Alyssa, she cried for only a minute then whined because she didn't want to leave the game. Brett stayed with Trent and mom and I went off to the hospital. It wasn't the cut that I was worried about. I was afraid that with Alyssa's condition she had fractured or cracked something in her face or even her hands. They opted not to stitch her but to glue her forehead instead. There was no way that she would sit still to be stitched anyway. They did some x-rays and didn't see any fractures. Luckily we go to Scottish Rite on Monday for full body x-rays anyway so I wasn't too concerned. Scottish Rite's equipment is much better and high tech than Henry Medical's. We finally got home about 1:00 am. I had to help the nurse hold her down so the doctor could glue her. She DID NOT like that. She screamed and screamed. Not because it hurt, but because she was confined. I told her, "Alyssa, you have got to be still." After it was over I picked her up and she said, "Momma don't be mad at me." So pitiful. Not once did she complain about it hurting. She was just upset that she had gotten blood all over her favorite sweater.
Luckily I can hide it with her bangs.

- Topical Skin Adhesive (Glue) - DERMABOND adhesive
- Works like glue to hold edges of skin together
- Areas do not have to be kept dry during healing
- Bandages are often not required
- Forms a strong, flexible bond fast
- The adhesive "sheds" from the skin naturally as the wound heals
- No stitches to remove
- rotects wound from most common infection-causing bacteria, including certain staph, pseudomonas and e.coli
A high-tech "wound glue" is the latest advance in treating small cuts and contusions. The stuff is called Dermabond, and it is basically an impermeable glue that becomes hard but remains flexible when dry. Sold only to doctors, the glue is commonly used in the emergency room as a fast and painless alternative to stitches for closing small wounds to appropriate parts of the body. About a week after being applied, it simply flakes off the healed wound -- avoiding the need for a return visit to the doctor to have stitches removed.
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