Here are some random thoughts for this week.........
Trent took this picture all by himself. I like it cause you can't tell that I have a lazy eye in this picture. (most pictures you can)

Alyssa seems to think that mixing her food and drink in her plate is good. We are trying to get her out of that. Any suggestions?????
Heather and I are going to the Braves game tonight. 2nd row beside the Braves dugout. I was acutally going to see Klesko, but since his surgery on Monday I doubt he will be there. But that's oK. I am going to try to hang on to my Bellsouth Allstar of the Game Title. I guess we will see.Trying to choose a song is hard.
Speaking of singing........... BUCKY is GONE from AI. That's not too shocking. Anyone read the article on Some time ago he switched idenities with Rocky, his brother. You can read the entire article on their web site.
Does anyone else think that Katie Holmes is not really preggers? I heard this discuusion on the radio. I have never beleived TOMKATS relationship. The Oprah thing was just too wierd. Especially since he has been the most private actor in hollywood until dating her. He has just snapped. Scientology Weirdo. His reputation is so important to him. There is some big pregnant scientology women hidden somewhere waiting to give birth. Who wants to bet that Katie looses all of her "baby weight" within two weeks or so.
Has anyone caught the show on Oxygen called "Campus Ladies" What a horrible waste of tv time. I taped an episode last week that a friend of mine was in. HORRIBLE. Its an improv show so the actors just say their lines. There is no writers or script to go by. It was bad. But Melissa was good though.
Anyone watch PRISON BREAK. Man, guys that show is so good. One of the best on TV. Wentworth Miller is HOT. Brett and I acutally watch that together along with American Idol and Lost.
Next week there is another show coming on called What About Brian. It looks really good. It stars Barry Watson from 7th Heaven and Sarah Lancaster from Everwood/ Saved By the Bell 2nd class. This whole WB UPN shake up in the fall is going to be tough to get used to. Let's hope that Everwood, One Tree Hill and America's Next Top Model stays with the change. ABC is trying to get DAYS OF OUR LIVES to move from NBC to them. After 25 years of watching it on NBC that will be hard to get used to too.
Does anyone elses laundry seem to never be done. If I'm not washing, I'm drying. Poor things hardly ever get folded and put away when they need to.I HATE FOLDING clothes and emptying the dishwater stinks too.
Oh no gotta go.......... The LITTLE MERMAID stopped I think there is a scratch on the DVD. Please help!!!!
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