Monday, August 31, 2009
Birthday Swim Party!
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Not THAT cup, Mom!
Last night I was preparing dinner and Trent came in the kitchen wanting something to drink. I grabbed an old glass out of the cabinet. It was a very old Disney glass. Trent looked at me with this disgusting look. "Mom, I can't use that! Dad used it outside." Eventhough these cups are completely cleaned, I didn't question it and grabbed him another cup. It was a black Tupperware cup that we have had forever. Again Trent gave this , "Mom...." look. I already knew what was coming.....
"I can't drink out of a black cup, Mom." "I can't see whats in there."
That's my boy!
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009

Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Sunday School
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Getting any information out of the kids about school is nearly impossible. It's crazy. Am I wrong for wanting to know EVERYTHING about their day. It's like they are keeping this huge secret from me or something. It's driving me NUTs. I decided to try at bed time when they seem to want to talk and talk and procrastinate about going to bed. It's a great plan so far.
The other night I was getting Alyssa out of the tub when she said..... "Momma, I met Ms. DiSario today." For those who don't know she is the principal. Nervously I said, "Really?... Did you see her office?" "No, she came to our room and said, hey." Whew...... I was relieved.
Then I asked while blow drying her hair.... "Have you ever gotten in trouble from Ms. Calhoun?" I knew I was in trouble when she suddenly got silent and her head went down. "Uh Oh.... What happened... Trying to ease her mind I said... "Alyssa you won't get in trouble if it was just 1 time you can tell me." Luckily she was only talking out of turn. So I continued drying her hair until.......
She looked up at me and asked.... "Momma, will I get in trouble if it was 2 times.?" 2 Times? Then she told me the story of her and another little girl talking during lunch... Well that's not toooo bad. I explained to her that kindergarten has new rules and that she will have to learn and abide by them. I continued drying her hair....
Then I heard..... "Momma, will I get in trouble if it was 3 times." 3 TIMES..... Then she proceeded to say that she wasn't walking on the right "square" in the hall. Oh, Alyssa you need to learn these rules so you won't get into trouble.
Thankfully her hair is short and I was done drying it. I don't think I could have taken a 4th or 5th time.
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Friday, August 07, 2009
First of all I will try to be a better blog poster. I know I have been a slacker.
This week went very well. I mustered up the courage to let the kids ride the bus in the mornings. I was really nervous about Alyssa doing that. I did tell her that she had to sit right behind Ms. Tinsley, so far she has done that. And she is so excited to be riding the bus. She has gotten up everyday without argument. So that has been a blessing. Trent well... that's another story.
They both seem to really like their classes so far. Yesterday I received a letter from Ms. D. (principal) that there had been several new registrations for kindergarten and that they will have to "restructure" the classes and move some around. I don't think that is will effect Alyssa because she is on what they call a 504 (because of the Brittle Bones) but I guess I will find out today or Monday. *** Ok, Ms. Calhoun now is your chance *** Just kidding. When I spoke to her on Tuesday she said that Alyssa was an **** now get this**** AN ANGEL. Don't worry Ms. Calhoun this is just the first
Everyday when I get home I immediately check their folders and see what homework they need to get done. On Wednesday I noticed that her lunchbox was missing from the pile of bookbags, shoes etc that they seem to love the throw down in the kitchen.... I thought to myself that she must had forgotten it at school. No big deal... I was wrong. She came a "bopping" into the kitchen opening up the refrigerator... "Look Mom, I already packed my lunch for tomorrow." Sure enough I looked into the lunchbox. She had made her turkey sandwich, gotten a juicebox, her carrots/ranch and stick of cheese. What a great helper.... She didn't dare make Trent's though. He would have had a fit if she had touched his food with her bare hands..
Yesterday I must had received 5 calls from Trent on my cell phone while I was at work. It must have my number memorized. Here was one conversation....
Son: "Mom, its Trent!"
Mom trying to work: "Hey, buddy watcha doing?"
Son starting to cry.....and the hurtful cry not the winy one..."Momma, Alyssa called me a Butt at school."
Mom trying not to laugh. "Well that wasn't nice. I will talk to her when I get home."
Son still crying and getting very emotional: "No, mom she called me a Butt in front of the entire Afterschool class...... and they all laughed."
By this time Alyssa had picked up on the line.....
Daughter so matter-of-fact: "Hey, Momma! When you coming home?"
Mom: "Alyssa did you call your brother a name at school. You shouldn't call your brother names at school. We don't say the word Butt at all do you understand?"
Daughter: "I didn't call him Butt, I called him Bubba"
I know for a fact that she has never called him Bubba and is clearly lying through her teeth....
Mom: "Alyssa don't do it again." Alyssa hung up.
Trent was still crying at this point... to the point of sniffling.
Mom: Trent we will talk about this when I get home.
Son: "But they all laughed"
Mom: "Trent I am working..... We will talk about it later."
So when I got home Alyssa still denied the Butt calling at first. Then she went up to Trent in a sweet voice, "I'm Sorry." I tried to explain to Trent that he shouldn't get so upset because someone called him a name, especially his sister. But in fairness he has been so mean to her for a couple of months about little things. So she found a way to get him back I guess. Soon he will learn to be nice to her. I told him.... it could have been worse.
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
First Day of School
Well I did it. I made it through the day without shedding a tear. I still can't believe that both of my children are now in school. Alyssa was so excited. Trent~ not so much.....Actually, excited can't begin to described it. I drove them to the school and walked her to her room, with bags of supplies and "donations" in hand. I didn't think that Trent would want me to walk him so I told him to go ahead because I had to get Alyssa settled. Alyssa went right to her table where her name was. She sat right down and started working on her project. I briefly talked to her teacher (keep her in your prayers) and Alyssa looked up and said, "Momma, when do YOU leave?" I took my hint and walked out the door. In the hall I found Trent waiting for me. I was so glad. He never acknowledged that he wanted me to walk with him but we made our way to his class. I had to explain to his 3rd grade math teacher that I wasn't walking him to class, but simply going the long way to my car.
Ms. Calhoun and Alyssa on the first day of class.
Alyssa was so excited to be at the "big girl's" school.
It only took the school 3 hours to make the first of many calls. I look down at my phone and thought "oh, man thats the schools number." It was the nurse. Apparently, Alyssa was dancing in class and landing wrong on her ankle. The nurse just wanted to call. I had asked if she had fallen or hit it on something and the answer was no. So I said that I thought she would be ok. I asked to speak to her and Alyssa wouldn't do it. I think she thought I would come get her and she'd miss all of the fun. At least it was the nurse and not the principal. lol
That night Alyssa wanted homework so bad that she made some up. I know that won't last long.
Posted by Lisa 1 comments