Alyssa, Katie and AnnaCarroll. What great little princesses!!
When we got back to the hotel the first day we had a surprise in our window! The kids were so excited.
Monday all 25 of us had reservations for a character breakfast with the Winnie the Pooh characters in the Magic Kingdom.
Jeff "took one for the team" and rode the Tea Cups with the kids! Thanks Jeff.... We wouldn't have made it!
On Tuesday we went to the Animal Kingdom... This was the sweetest character greet on the vacation. Alyssa loves Pluto. She had a Pluto tattoo on her arm that day. Her faced lit up when she saw him. And Pluto made a huge deal when he saw her tattoo. Trent's favorite character is Goofy. I got so excited for them this is where I lost my favorite pair of sunglasses. But it was worth it....
Tuesday Night the Magic Kingdom closed early for a Halloween Party. It was worth every extra bit of money that we spent to get in. There were no (and I mean no) wait for any of the rides. People's costumes were so great we stopped several people for a picture. Look at that Joker..... Trent wanted to go as Indiana Jones. He looks great!!!! Alyssa was over the dressing up part and just wanted to go as a K-4 student. It was just way too hot to be Snow White. I didn't have the strength for that battle. Bryce, Trent, Dylan and Alyssa got to go Trick or Treating in the Park.
That night we shut the Magic Kingdom down!! It was mid-night!!
Other Funny Stories........
The kids were "being kids" one day and were fussing and aggravating the fools out of each other. Brett had finally had enough and pulled up his shirt to reveal his belt. He said something to the effect like "Do you see what I have here, now cut it out." Without missing a beat Trent says, "What~ a fat gut!" Jeff preceded to turn and walk away in laughter. Brett couldn't keep a straight face either.
Later in the week, after the Eeyore trampling, we went into the Christmas Store. I was busy looking at everything and Brett and Jeff had the kiddos also in the store. Alyssa picks up an Eeyore Ornament and in all seriousness says.....'Eeyore You Trampled Me Now Say You're Sorry."
Trent rode everything in all of the parks. Alyssa rode everything that she was tall enough for. She did ride The Tower of Terror and Mt. Everest. She never cried or screamed but just simply said I don't want to ride that again. So of course we didn't make her. Both kids loved the Haunted Mansion.
Through a deal that I got we all enjoyed the Dining Plan for FREE." That is definitely the way to go. We ate like Kings the entire week without paying for any of it...... Our meals (the 4 of us) totalled over $600.00 . We only had to pay for the tips. It was insane. Prime Rib, Chicken, Lobster Tails and every meal came with a dessert. I hope we walked it all off during the day.
Wow looks like you guys had a great time!! We just booked a 3 day Disney cruise for November and we can't wait!!
Sounds like y'all had a great time - love the Eeyore story. :)
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