As Brett grew up his family would have an annual Big Labor Day Cookout. They would prepare for the day for months. The night before the feast the guys would take turns all night and turn the pigs. Yummy BBQ and stew........
It has been 9 years since the last Labor Day Feast. Brett, along with his cousin Megan, decided to get the tradition rolling again. So for the last week we have been cooking, grinding and freezing meat. Holy Cow!! We didn't realize how much work went into it. Don't forget just how big Brett's family is........ While Megan and I organized and prepared the menu Brett worked every day to make sure the pits were dug, the wood was cut and the yard was prepared.
The Pigs......
We had signed pairs up to two hour shifts starting at 8pm. We roasted marsh mellows, hot dogs and just sat around fellow shipping with the family.
Turning of the Pig
A picture of Uncle Danny helping Alyssa with her marsh mellows.
Of course what's a party without ROCK BAND.....
The guys stayed up all night to turn the pigs. I left around 11:30 with Alyssa. I said, Come On Trent. Its time to go." He said, "No Mom. Dad said that I could stay up all night. He said that it was all part of the experience." I let him. I knew that he would be out by 12am anyway...
Sunday morning,the day of the Feast, Megan and I received some help from the "older" generation. They helped us cut the meat off of the bone and then BBQ. Thanks yall!
While the ladies are getting the BBQ ready, Rich Steven and Becky stirred the stew.
Trent helped too.
Finally it was time to eat. All 65 of us sat down for a nice dinner. BBQ, stew, chips, potato salad, corn, coleslaw, salad and plenty of desserts. Yum. Yum.
So when do we start planning for Pig Dig '09! Wilber says "Eat more chicken"
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