Look at all of that food!! Good eatin.
This was our poor waiter. When we came in I turned to Megan and said, "Meg, I hope you didn't mind that I got a stripper." The guy was really embrassed! It as so funny.
Megan with Mr. Happy.
I forgot just how old I am. But this night really reminded me. Heather came too so technically she was the oldest, then me. Of course they didn't want to go out dancing until sometime after 10! It was been a really, really long time since I stayed out late. When we arrived at the club, PURE, Heather and I looked at eachother like.... What the H*&^ were we thinking........ First stop..... the nasty, nasty bathroom. Flash backs to college. ... Then to the dance floor where we stood around alittle until we FINALLY herd a song that we recongized. Holy Cow! Has dance changed. Bump and grind... Can't you dance anymore without actually touching someone.?? And do you have to be almost naked to go out. Evidently some people don't know when they are wearing a shirt or a dress. I am beginning to think that people just don't own mirrors anymore. During the night Heather and I drifted over to the bar to get a WATER>>>> The lady said $10!! What, No I just want a cup of water..... I told her to keep it. Then we found a male bartender who gracsiously gave us a cup for nothing....... That's where our clevage came in handy... j/k
With every muscle and bone in my body aching , we made it back to the hotel and in the bed by 1:00am. Telling ourselves, we are not old.... we fell asleep watching Nancy Grace..
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