Alyssa, AnnaCarroll and Kaite. Believe it or not AnnaCarroll is a month older than Alyssa and Katie is a year younger. Looks like little stair steps.
Friday, February 29, 2008
The Rehersal
Alyssa, AnnaCarroll and Kaite. Believe it or not AnnaCarroll is a month older than Alyssa and Katie is a year younger. Looks like little stair steps.
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Well I didn't get to post about the girls yesterday. I am totally shocked at the girls outcome. The Rocker chick needed to go. Her voice is terrible. I wasn't too surprised by the guys going home though.
Pictures to post later......
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
MythBusters~ Mark Your Calendars.

That's right. They are proving or disproving all of MacGyver's tactics.

Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Soccer Moms Everywhere.....
Attention all middle-aged van driving soccer moms.........
Steve & Vikki, formerly of Star 94, are off to B98.5. They start July 1.
This is the most obvious place for Steve & Vikki since B98.5’s listeners are basically a slightly older version of Star 94’s listeners. In fact, it was the only realistic place for them to go unless another station changed format to accommodate them.
I knew that we hadn't seen the last of them. So go rejoice!
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Funny Story
A couple of weeks ago Alyssa came running out of the bathroom crying. Saying, Momma, Momma somebody put too much paper in the toilet. Somebody meaning her....
I was on the phone so I just said its ok honey. I'll fix it when I get off the phone. Then I hear Brett say, "Alyssa, what did you do?"
When she said that there was too much paper in the toilet she failed to mention that she had flushed it and it was overflowing.
So now.... of course she is scared to wipe and to flush. We have caught her several times not doing either.
The other day I went in behind her and explained that she must wipe and must flush. She said, "No Momma don't flush the toilet is going to throw up!" FUNNY.
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Megan's Got Two Weeks to Go!
Look at all of that food!! Good eatin.
This was our poor waiter. When we came in I turned to Megan and said, "Meg, I hope you didn't mind that I got a stripper." The guy was really embrassed! It as so funny.
Megan with Mr. Happy.
I forgot just how old I am. But this night really reminded me. Heather came too so technically she was the oldest, then me. Of course they didn't want to go out dancing until sometime after 10! It was been a really, really long time since I stayed out late. When we arrived at the club, PURE, Heather and I looked at eachother like.... What the H*&^ were we thinking........ First stop..... the nasty, nasty bathroom. Flash backs to college. ... Then to the dance floor where we stood around alittle until we FINALLY herd a song that we recongized. Holy Cow! Has dance changed. Bump and grind... Can't you dance anymore without actually touching someone.?? And do you have to be almost naked to go out. Evidently some people don't know when they are wearing a shirt or a dress. I am beginning to think that people just don't own mirrors anymore. During the night Heather and I drifted over to the bar to get a WATER>>>> The lady said $10!! What, No I just want a cup of water..... I told her to keep it. Then we found a male bartender who gracsiously gave us a cup for nothing....... That's where our clevage came in handy... j/k
With every muscle and bone in my body aching , we made it back to the hotel and in the bed by 1:00am. Telling ourselves, we are not old.... we fell asleep watching Nancy Grace..
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Posted by Lisa 1 comments
This entire Brittany thing is just getting out of hand. She just needs to dissapear for a while. The paparazzi is just getting crazy.
With that said they make great footage. Here are some of my favorties.
John Mayer getting back at the camera crew claiming to order some anti-itch cream.
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Friday, February 08, 2008
Now that the strike is over......
Keep in mind that the following information remains extremely tentative and is subject to change (and probably will).
24 -Expected to return this fall or January '09.
30 Rock -Expected to shoot 5 to 10 new episodes to air in April/May.
Back to You -Two pre-strike episodes remain. Future TBD*.
Bionic Woman -No new episodes expected. Ever.
Big Love -E xpected to go into production on Season 3 in March. Airdate info is TBD.
Bones- Four pre-strike episodes left. Unclear whether additional episodes will be produced for this season.
Brothers & Sisters -Expected to shoot 4 or 5 new episodes to air in April/May.
Chuck- No new episodes until fall.
Criminal Minds -Expected to shoot 4 to 7 new episodes to air in April/May.
CSI-Expected to shoot 4 to 7 new episodes to air in April/May.
CSI: Miami-Expected to shoot 4 to 7 new episodes to air in April/May.
CSI: NY -Expected to shoot 4 to 7 new episodes to air in April/May.
Desperate Housewives-Expected to shoot 4 or 5 new episodes to air in April/May.
Dirty Sexy Money-No new episodes planned until fall; three remaining pre-strike episodes will undergo some tweaking and kick off fall run.
Everybody Hates Chris-Twelve pre-strike episodes remain. No additional episodes expected for this season.
Friday Night Lights -No new episodes expected for this season. Future TBD.
Gossip Girl-Expected to shoot up to 9 new episodes to air in April/May/June.
Grey's Anatomy-Expected to shoot 4 or 5 new episodes to air in April/May
House-Expected to shoot 4 to 6 new episodes to air in April/May.
How I Met Your Mother-Expected to shoot 5 to 7 new episodes to air in April/May.
Jericho-Seven episodes remain. No additional episodes expected for this season.
Las Vegas-Three pre-strike episodes remain. No additional episodes expected for this season.
Life-No new episodes expected until fall.
Life Is Wild-No new episodes expected. Ever.
Lost-Six pre-strike episodes remain. Six additional episodes could air this season.
Medium-Six pre-strike episodes remain. No additional episodes expected this season.
Men in Trees-Eleven pre-strike episodes remain. No additional episodes expected this season.
Moonlight-No new episodes expected until fall.
My Name Is Earl-Expected to shoot 8 to 10 new episodes to air in April/May.
NCIS-Expected to shoot 5 to 7 new episodes, only three of which may air this season.
The New Adventures of Old Christine-Seven pre-strike episodes remain. No additional episodes expected this season.
Numbers-Expected to shoot 5 to 7 new episodes, only three of which may air this season.
October Road -Three pre-strike episodes remain. Future beyond that TBD.
The Office-Expected to shoot 5 to 10 new episodes to air in April/May.
One Tree Hill -Six pre-strike episodes remain. Future beyond that TBD.
Prison Break-Two pre-strike episodes remain. Future beyond that TBD.
Private Practice-Expected to shoot 4 or 5 new episodes to air in April/May.
Pushing Daisies-No new episodes until fall.
Reaper-Three pre-strike episodes remain. Future beyond that TBD.
Samantha Who?-Three remaining pre-strike episodes could be held until fall (see Dirty Sexy Money).
Scrubs-Four pre-strike episodes remain. Four additional episodes will likely be shot; unclear whether they'll air on NBC or go straight to DVD.
Smallville-Four pre-strike episodes remain. Expected to shoot 3 to 5 additional episodes to air in April/May.
Supernatural-Two pre-strike episodes remain. Expected to shoot 3 to 5 additional episodes to air in April/May.
Terminator- The Sarah Connor Chronicles- Five pre-strike episodes remain. Future beyond that TBD.
Ugly Betty-Expected to shoot 4 or 5 new episodes to air in April/May.* TBD = To be determined
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Heath Ledger
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Yes, that was me on KICKS 101.5 yesterday. I won FRONT ROW Kenny Chesney tickets. I couldn't beleive it. I am soooo excitited. I have never seen him before in concert. And the best part is who the frontliners are. Leanne Rimes, Brooks-n-Dunn, Pat Greene, Gary Alan and Sammy Hagar. I was starting to worry that my radio luck had gone out. I haven't won anything in a year or so. Trent had a dentist appt yesterday so he was in the car with me. After I got off the phone he looked at me and said, Hey, mom..... Did you just go crazy?" It was the funniest thing.
So now I have to wait until July 13th for the concert. But that's ok. That will give me plenty of time to get my poster ready!! Eventhough he doesn't want to admit it, Brett is excitied too. But not as excitied as he will be when he realizes that it will take two to hold up my poster.
Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Friday, February 01, 2008
I can't beleive its been an entire week and I still haven't posted anything.
I was on jury duty this week. What a huge dissapointment!! I feel like a total reject. Noone wanted me. I didn't even get to see the judge, lawyers, no one. I told the ladies there that I felt like the kid in recess who is always the last person to get picked for the kickball team. And now I have to wait 3 or more years to get chosen again. I totally missed my calling to work at the courthouse. So much is always going on. I would have been up for 2 murder trials and a car accident. One of the defendants took one look at the jury pool and decided to plead guilty. I guess he didn't like who had his future in their hands.
But anway,
I need to take the time to bragg on Alyssa (and totally jinx myself in the process) Little Miss Alyssa has been soooo good this week at school. She has been on green the entire week and even got to eat off the princess plate. Ms. Julie told me today that she has been sitting still and listening during circle time. Way to Go, Alyssa.
She is in Brett's cousin's wedding in March. It took both Megan and I to conveince her to try on the dress. It is a beautiful dress. "I don't want to be beautiful, " she yelled. I had to take the dress to get sized because it was extrememly long. I explanined to the seemstrest that the dress was about a ruffle too long and that maybe they could just cut it off. Alyssa shouted, "Is she going to cut my legs?" How cute. Then she cried when I had to leave the dress there. So maybe she is starting to come around alittle.
Posted by Lisa 1 comments