My In the Past segment has come to a halt. My work computer was being replaced and I need to get some more old pictures on my new computer. I am sorry about that.
It's sad to see the holidays behind us but I am glad to be in 2008. I have enjoyed the time off that I had with my children these past two weeks but I would the lying if I said that I wasn't glad to be back at work. I did manage to get some scrap booking and journaling done which I am excited about. That has been something that I wanted to get caught up on for a long time. And it looks great. I decided when Trent was born that I would make a Family Christmas Book. And each Christmas I add a scrapbook page to it with that years Christmas pictures. Then when Alyssa was born I decided to make each child a Birthday book. And on each birthday I take their picture with their cake and presents. That way as years go by we will always have it and they will have something for when they have a family. (I wish that I one for myself) So that only makes a total of 4 scrap booking pages a year! (2 for Christmas and 1 each for birthdays)
Another thing I do each year is upload the best pictures from the year to I make a book with the years pictures in it. That is the cheapest web site that I have found for these books and they are really, really nice. Its the same quality as a yearbook. And only run about $45. You should go check it out.
I am ready to get back into a routine. Trent doesn't go back to school until Tuesday of next week so I guess that our routine will start then. He has been to work with me some this week and was quite the little helper and charmer. He went with Brett today so he was all
excitied about seeing the airplanes.
As far as resolutions I am terrible about them. They always get broken so I just don't set them. One thing I would like to do is take Trent , maybe Alyssa, on an airplane. It's sad that he has never been up in one considering his dad works for Delta.
We are talking a huge family trip to Disney in the fall so that will be something to look forward to. My sister and Megan (Brett's Cousin) are getting married in the spring. So if we can
convince Alyssa to wear a dress she will be the flower girl in both. That will be fun.
Anyway, I hope everyone had a Great Christmas and a Wonderful New Year.
Sounds like we will get some new episodes this week. I'm excited about that.