I have been a terrible Blogger since I started my new position at Work. I just can't find the time to type. I was off last week and didn't do a darn thing. I did adventure out to the movies with the kids. "Happy Feet". It was good. Alyssa did real well. I was surprised. I hope everyone had a Great Thanksgiving.
I did go out on our Major Shopping Spree on Friday. We decided to go to the Macon Mall this year. Just for a different experience. I woke up at 2:30 am to meet my sister and mom. Meg went too and my sister's boy friend Trey. (We needed someone to run to the car throughout the day) I wanted to go to Best Buy first because they opened at 5:00am. There was already 200 or more people on line when we got there. And they were only letting 25 people on the store at a time. What type of crap is that?? It would take the rest of the morning just to get in the door. So we headed to the mall. The Macon Mall wasn't crowded at all. It was great. We were even interviewed for the Macon Telegraph. Here's the atricle.....
Sunday, November 26, 2006
I'm Sorry
Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Friday, November 24, 2006
Alyssa turned 3 this week. She is defintely in the terrible 3's. We didn't do a big party this year. We went to eat with family. Here is some pictures...
Saturday, November 18, 2006

Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Which color would you like, Alyssa?
That was the question of the week. Alyssa picked pink. (Its more like fushia) For what, you are wondering...........
That would be the color of her new cast. She broke her wrist Wednesday night. Times like these I have to look on the bright side.... Last year she had 5 different cast with 6 broken bones. (Red, White, Purple, Tan and Pink) So this year overall has been a good year. I tried to talk her into a darker color like red. That way I could at least try to camouflaged it in the holiday pictures.
She likes to display her cast around the holidays. This will be her first Thanksgiving in one. The others where during Christmas, Easter and Mother's Day. I feel bad that in all of her pictures she has one on.
I think I am jinxed when it comes to pictures. Everytime I make an appointment to have the kids pictures taken together something happens. Last month Alyssa fell at Trent's ballgame~ remember...... This sort of thing has been going on since Trent was little. That's why most of the time I just show up and hope that they aren't crowded. Here she is three and I only have a couple of studio pictures of her.. Maybe I should just take it with the cast??
Posted by Lisa 2 comments
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Time Gone BY....
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I went to New York for a long weekend. It was wonderful. We all had a great trip. I lived there when I was little for 6 months and hated every minute of it. But I love it now. We shopped and shopped and ate and ate. I did get my picture made with Matt Lauer. (haha) He is Hot!!!

Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
The Wedding Singer
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Here are the Cute Halloween Pictures from Tuesday, We went Trick-or-Treating with the Cousins. Alyssa was a Carebear and Trent was a Pirate.

Posted by Lisa 1 comments