Sunday, September 10, 2006

Change Again!

Well I decided to change my blog again. I couldn't get used to the other one. This one I picked for now is alittle more fall looking, I guess.

Heidi finally returned from maternity leave so my work load will drop alot, which is good because I can start to focus on my administrative duties again.

Fall Ball starts this Tuesday. We have moved up to 7-8 ball. Its literally a whole different ball game with new rules and better players. We will chalk this season up as a learning season.

I am beginning to think that I am raising two little thieves. Mom, Alyssa and I went to the mall on Saturday. We had just left the Disney Store and was trying to decided where to head next when we both looked down to discover that Alyssa had her stroller full of merchandise that we didn't pay for. She had stuffed three items from the Disney store in her lap. So I I had to turn around and return the stolen items. The employees just laughed as Alyssa sat in her stroller with her head down and her lip poked out.
When I got home later that night while cleaning up Alyssa room I noticed that her piggy bank was off of her shelf and was empty. At first I thought, Oh Great! Alyssa's done eaten the coins." I asked her where they money was and she wouldn't say anything. Then I went to Trent's room and noticed his over flowing piggy bank. I confronted him and yes her had emptied her bank into his. He has been known to pick up money from around the house.


Shanna from BabySchrades said...

I love this new fall theme!