First I'd like to say thanks to our parents for graciously keeping our children so we could have a weekend getaway. We left on Friday and headed to Pigeon Forge. Of course we stopped in Cherokee to have alittle fun. Although Brett would disagree, we only lost $30. But we had fun. Brett had never been in a casino before so he was wide eyed the whole time. On our trip we met up with Bill, Brett's best friend from highschool. We played alot of competitive putt-putt and even caught a dinner show, The Black Bear Jamboree.
On our way back Sunday we did alittle hiking and alot of site seeing. Here are some pictures. (Since we both hate to have our picture taken most of them are scenery pictures.)
Friday, August 18, 2006

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Sunday, August 20, 2006

It looks like y'all had fun. Wasn't it great and wierd all at the same time? (I mean without kids) Your pics crack me up (the captions).
Happy Anniversary! I agree with Jen, I enjoyed the pictures.
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