I didn't get into the Superbowl this year. I sent Brett to his cousin's house instead of everyone coming to mine. I thought since Trent had been sick that was the right thing to do.(I honestly didn't feel like company) I usually will watch all of the commercials and half time show, but I only tuned in for the last 5 minutes of the game. (I was actually waiting for Grey's Anatomy to come on). Did anyone see the amazing Macgyver Mastercard commercial? It was great. Classic Macgyver. Here is a web site to view all of the superbowl commercials and vote for your favorite.http://sports.aol.com/nfl/superbowlads.

I usually only play with 3 sheets per game. (There are 3 cards to a sheet. that's 9 total per game.) But man those people have up to 20 sheets. And they mean business. During one game I had glanced over to this lady beside me and just gazed at her sheet. I noticed that she didn't have one of her numbers marked so I pointed that out to her. I thought that she would have been thankful, but she gave me the dirtiest look. She could have won and not known it. See if I help anymore. Bingo has gotten hi-tech. They actually had TVs in all corners of the room to show the ball that was up before it is called. WOW! Of course I didn't win. But I had fun playing.
Well, I guess that Family that canceled would be me. Sorry Lisa. But im free this Sunday and the next. Lets go! See you on wednesday night to for our weekly LOST party.
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