Thursday, January 29, 2009

How I got my Water

Here are some fascinating pictures of the machine they used to drill my deep well.

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ladies Man....

The other night we were sitting at dinner and Alyssa says. "Trent, Katie told me to tell you hey."

Then she said, "And she said that she is breaking up with you."
I then said, "What?, Trent, I didn't know you had a girlfriend."
Without skipping a beat he said, "Well, apparently not anymore."

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Where have I Been?

I guess I haven't really had much to say. Life has been busy.
I currently have NO water. And I haven't had water since SUNDAY. That's right SUNDAY........ Our well is completely dry. No more water. So we have been fighting with the County who wanted over $7,000 to put water at my house. So it looks like we are going to be drilling a deeper well for only $5000. But I need water so what do you do. We have known this would happen to a while because of the drought and the fact that our well was not a deep one. For months now our gracious parents have been doing our laundry because we couldn't take baths/showers AND wash clothes in a day. Sounds crazy doesn't it?
So this week we have been living off of family members water. Thank goodness my in-laws and sister live close.
Other news:
I have been trying to get Alyssa ready for Kindergarten next year. Doctors appointments etc. We are alittle worried about her going to the "big school" for obvious reasons. we go in April to the Genetics Dr to see about her limitations. Ear doctor next week to check the bones in her ears. Thank Goodness, Scottish Rite has satellite offices in Fayetteville.
And they CANCELLED Prison Break. So this is the last season. Besides ER and Friends that is the only show that I have watched since the beginning.
All for now.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Two Worlds

Funny story~

We were in the car on our way to school. Trent was looking in a magazine and it had a picture of the world on it. Alyssa started talking about "the Worlds." Trent said, "Mom tell her there is only one world, not worlds." With out a hesitation she said, "Yes there is!." There is this world (pointing to the magazine) and Disney World.

I totally agree.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I thought this was funny....

Woman has Man in it;
Mrs. has Mr. in it;
Female has Male in it;
She has He in it;
Madam has Adam in it;

Okay, Okay, it all makes sense now...I never looked at it this way before:

Ever notice how all of women's problems start with MEN?
MEN tal illness
MEN strual cramps
MEN tal breakdown
MEN opause
GUY necologist

AND ..
When we have REAL trouble, it's a HIS terectomy ..

Friday, January 09, 2009

Alyssa's Photo Shoot

Back in November I took Alyssa to finally get her pictures made. It wasn't quite to struggle I thought it would be. She did great. I am just know posting these because I wanted to give some portraits as gifts. JC Penny at Stonecrest ALWAYS does an awesome job! Aren't they great!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Some things we need to know ....

I learned some new things last night. You know when someone comes up behind you and puts the "bunny ears" behind your head with two fingers? Alyssa was going that to me last night while we were at the table. Trent looked so serious and then said, "Alyssa don't do that, its not nice." I then asked him what he meant. He explained that "the bunny ears behind the head" meant "to meet me in the bed at 2 o'clock." That was the funniest thing I ever heard. What? Of course I then asked him "meet to do what?" He said "well mom we haven't figured that out yet." Brett and I couldn't stop laughing. Apparently he heard that at the daycare at some point. So now you know.....
His math homework last night was working on time. They were given a clock with a time and they had to come up with two other ways to say it. Example: 9:30 answers would be 30 min. past 9 or spelling out nine thirty. He had done is homework before I got home. So i just looked over the work making sure it was right. This is how little Trent's mind works....... the time was 4:13. So clearly the obvious answers would be 13 min. past 4 or four thirteen. Trent had the answer of 47 min. till 5. Brett and I laughed and laughed. It took alot for him to come up with that answer.