Friday, October 24, 2008

Weekly Update

We have been busy this week.

Trent played in two games and did extremely well on the mound and at third base. He chased a batter who was trying to steal to third and tagged him out and assisted the 1st baseman for an out while on the mound. His pitching is getting better too. He only pitched a total of 2.5 innings but only walked 2 batters.

He also was the only one in his class to receive a 100 on his math test. (which was multiplication word problems) You just don't know how much that brought me to tears. Because he can't be on his medicine until June, it takes all of his effort to get his work done and comprehend it. We worked and worked on studying for that test. He was so excited.

Taz on the other hand... She is getting more and more independent every day. She actually has been trying to be since birth. I watched her get a plate out of the dishwasher, make sure it was clean, get bread out of the bread box and continue to make herself a complete sandwich of her own. It was so funny. She is becoming my big helper. Without asking or making comments about it she went into the dryer and got out the clothes and decided to "fold" them and take them to her room. For only that reason, I wish I would have had more girls.

I try to at least twice a week to help her read a book. She is doing extremely well with that.

Starting tonight I have to work at the racetrack the entire weekend. Why does it rain every, single race......
