Some great stories........
Trent changes classes for math this year and is in there about 45 min. His "homeroom" teacher said that she had to get on to him for being "Mr. Funny Man" when she is in the middle of teaching. So I had to have a talk with him about the right place and time for such humor. Then I asked him if he ever gets in trouble by his math teacher. He looked at me in all seriousness and said, "No, mom I just don't have time."
This year in baseball all the rules are about the same as regular MLB. They can steal, walk, balk etc. He was soooo funny last night. He finally got a hit and ran to first...... He is slowly learning about stealing.... but mom and I noticed that he tip toes off first to get a lead to steal second. HE LITERALLY TRIES to Tip Toe towards second like he is trying not to be seen or heard.\ before he talkes off. Well he did steal to second. The pitcher walked to next two and the bases were loaded. I look up and he has a huge lead off of third. I thought "oh good Lord, please don't try to steal home." The pitcher tries to pick him off but he makes it back LITERALLY crawling to the plate on his hands and knees. Everyone was chuckling..... Then the pitcher walks another one and Trent is walked in. This has never happened in one of our games... Trent is confused.... What is just happened? Our third base coach tells Trent "It's a Walk" and motions him home. So what does little Trent do....... The LITERALLY walks home. Everyone is saying, Run Trent Hustle...... He gets to the dugout and I say, Trent you have to hustle home and touch the plate.... What does he say????? Mom, Coach Mario said that it was a WALK.......
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