Trent really couldn't have asked for a better teacher this year. I am really going to miss her alot. Last week Trent brought home an invitation to a Mother's Tea. I was so excited. I just love stuff like that. I went this morning not really knowing what to expect. Trent was really excited about it so I knew it was going to be something. And it was. As we arrived each child escorted their mother in the room and sat them down. As I was lead into my seat of course I started to tear up. The setting was beautiful. There were 3 tables of 6. Each table had a china place setting with tea, strawberries and pound cake. There was a candle on each table. It was just breath taking that a teacher would go out of her way to do this for the mothers of her class. After each mother was seated one by one Ms. Lyons would formally announce the child then they would come into the room and read a poem about their mother. 

This was my place mat.

This is my poem.
I just love my "Tech" colored mother's day card. He did a nice job on our family portrait.
Can you see me up top watching the tech game? "I'm the 7th from the right!

I just love the picture of me.
The mother's day tea really has made my week. He was so sweet this morning. he has a really gentle soul. Happy Mother's Day to Me!!!
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