Its great to know people around the world. Brett's co-worker and friend, Bill, is working for Delta in Hong Kong for a little while. He was such a sport to help Trent with his project. Bill stopped complete strangers to get the photos.
Welcome to Hong Kong.
In front of the Olympic Sign at the airport.
Bill and a local police officer.
This guy was a Olympic Ambassador.
To the Moon, Stan the Man. To the Moon.
Stopping at the local McDonalds. They actually have rice on the menu.
Taking the bus to the hotel.
View from the hotel room.
Getting some "love" from his new friends.
On his way back he got to meet the Delta Ticket Agents.
Hanging with the ramp workers.
Making sure everything is a "go"
Next Stop......... Back to the STATES ....
(If you would like to take Flat Stanley with you on a trip let me know)
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