Trent had his last ballgame last weekend. It was his best game to date. Eventhough the Mudcats didn't have a good season Trent did his best and was their clean up batter. Last Friday night he batted his 3rd homerun of the season with 2RBI's. Another sticker added to his helmet. He is only a few inches away of being able to hit it over the fence. Brett told him he would give him$100's if it went over. So during Saturday's game he tried his hardest to do just that. He rattled the fence twice and had a pop up fly to the only person in their outfield who could catch. But not one over the fence. It's a good feeling when your child is up to bat and the other teams coaches yell "Big Stick, Big Stick, Heavy Hitter," while motioning for the outfield to back up. This was our first year in 7/8 where they actually keep score. What I love about our team is the combination of coaches, parents and kids. We couldn't have asked for better people. Playing ability, defintely, but not people.
Here are some pictures from our last game.....

Alyssa had so much fun bowling.......

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