Thursday, May 25, 2006
So the Mudcats hired a professional photographer to come and take pictures of a game. It was totally worth every dollar. The pictures that he took were priceless.
<<<<>Thursday, May 25, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Ola Allstar!!
Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Monday, May 22, 2006
Crazy Weekend Part 2
Saturday night we (the girls) had a bachelorette party for our friend, CoCo. She is marrying Ti-George our friend from highschool. Of course I can't tell you EVERYTHING that we did but here are some highlights.
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Sorry the video is a little dark.
Saturday, May 20, 2006

We had a lot of fun. But I must confess we are beginning to show our age just a little bit.
Posted by Lisa 1 comments
Crazy Weekend
This past weekend ended started out as a nice family weekend. I had taken Friday off for Trent's field day.

Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
May's Always Busy.
Posted by Lisa 3 comments
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
SO SORRY.........
I am so sorry for missing the AI posts the last couple of weeks. I have been extremely busy.
First things first.....
Last night was good/than not so good....
Of course I knew that Taylor would have a good night. He was in his element. With both songs he was really relaxed and they sounded great.
Chris, Chris, Chris....... The first song Suspicious Minds was alot better than A Little Less Conversation. Remember, I wanna say in the first season, when JP sang it. It was awesome. Chris didn't do much for me last light. The second song was too low for him in my opinion.
I am now voting for the under dog, Elliott. (Eventhough I can't get past his last name, Yasmin which is a birth control pill. HaHa!!! Both of his songs were chart stopping. He might look like a barn owl, but the dude has soul.....
Katharine...... Well she should be the one to go home. You just can't mess up your lyrics at this point of the contest. She was an underdog this week because of the song choice. Can't Help Falling in Love has to be the worst performance I've seen in a while.
My bottom two.... Katharine and Chris...........
Posted by Lisa 0 comments