Monday, August 02, 2010

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school. I can't believe that I have a 1st and 5th grader. Alyssa has been ready for weeks. She packed her bookbag Saturday night and was ready to go. It took alot more convincing to get Trent up this morning. Eventhough Trent didn't know not 1 boy in his class he seemed to adjust well. He was so upset that his friend Logan wasn't in his class this year. When I asked him how his day went he said I made two new friends today! But then also said, "Mom, I think Logan has moved on." We need to invite him to do something with us. I explained to him that just because he is not in his class doesn't mean that they wont be friends anymore. I told him of the story of Carey and I. We had been friends since kindergarten. We were only in class with eachother 3 times our entire life--- Elementary through Highschool and we just went swimming with them last week. Great friends will be friends forever. He seemed satisfied with that.

Alyssa came home from school today and went right to her room. She was "teaching" her stuff animals math. Her "pupils" were lined up on her bed and she was explaining to them how to add. It was so cute. She didn't come out of her room until dinner time.