Friday, July 31, 2009
Open House
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Crack is Wack

Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
~Forgotten Post~
From 7/7/09 ~~~
Alyssa has lost another tooth. That makes 2 bottom teeth gone. I can't believe it. Seems alittle early to me. An upper tooth is also loose. This tooth fell out at school and of course the tooth had gotten lost by the end of the day. Ms. Julie was so nice to replace the tooth with a piece of rice and placed it in a tooth necklace. Alyssa was so proud. And the little stinker didn't think that I would notice that it wasn't her "tooth" in the necklace.
Because of her Brittle Bones her teeth are worrisome to me. They look good so far, but who know what the permanent ones look like.
Because of Trent's use of the inhalers for his asthma his teeth need to be whitened. Poor thing they are so stained, although it bothers me more than him. He has a bad bite and a crowding issue so braces are definitely in his future. Estimated cost..... our Out Of Pocket $3,500. Holy Smokes....
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
Another Great Weekend.
As summer is starting to wind down, we are gearing up for busy weeks ahead! We started off this weekend going school shopping. I took Alyssa to her favorite mall. It was a girls morning. She is so picky with the clothes that she wants to wear to I decided to let her pick them out. (within reason) We ended our shopping with a visit to Build A Bear. She made Tony Furry, a 6 year old who will be starting kindergarten this year. And he just had to have glasses too. (picture a little later)
Kevin~ we missed you there.
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Now THAT is a Slip-n-Slide....
This is how we spent Sunday afternoon.
And thanks to Wayne... the kids are now really bruised. haha.
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Poolside at the Lamb's
All summer Alyssa has been begging me to let her swim without her life vest and I always say no because normally it's just me and the kids and I just feel better if she had it on.
Saturday night Ms. Jan said that she would be in the pool too and would watch her and she talked me into letting her so in without them
Posted by Lisa 0 comments
Monday, July 06, 2009
July 4th Weekend
We had a great relaxing July 4th weekend. Brett and I were both off on Friday so we took the kids on a picnic to Stone Mountain. We found a perfect picnic area. Look below.... do you see the deer and fawn in the picture.
Posted by Lisa 0 comments