Don't you just love these pictures? As this first one was being snapped Trent has saying, "Oh, Mom get her off me!" "I don't want to hug her." She loves her brother. He knows it too. I think he loves her back even though she gets into everything he owns,
Yesterday was his class party. Here's a story for you...... I had told Ms. Boddie , about a month ago, to let me know when the class party was and I would be glad to help out with it. I knew that the party had to be approved by the administration etc etc. Then about 2 weeks ago I received an email from the 3rd grade lead teacher regarding the party. I met with her (along with another parent). To make a long story short....... The party wasn't for Trent's class of 20 students. THE PARTY WAS FOR THE ENTIRE 3rd GRADE all 110 of them!! So I went from planning a 25 person party to planning a 150 person party.Talk about stressed! But in the end it all came together and it was an awesome day. I had delegated another parent for the games, which was the best thing I could have EVER done. We had hotdogs, chips, icecream, games, water balloons and a cotton candy machine. STICKY!! Everyone had a great time! I even got his teacher with a water balloon. She took it in stride.
Oh and Trent PASSED the CRCT. Actually his ENTIRE class did. He was so excited when he found out. I wanted to shout, scream and cry! He was so worried about that stupid test. I was proud of him.
So today is the last day of school. Wow! I will have a 4th grader and a kindergartner. That's so hard to believe.
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