We had a wonderful Easter weekend.!!
Alyssa and I spent Friday night hanging out with my friends! There is no better way to spend a stormy night. (Although I am sure I will have to do some "damage control" with Alyssa later. lol)
No telling what Ti- George is teaching the girls.

Crazy Craig and Alyssa.
Saturday Alyssa went with her friend, Mallie, to see Hannah Montana. This was the first time that she has ever been invited to go somewhere with someone who wasn't related. i was really nervous but she did well. She was so excited to go. While she was at the movies I took Trent to play putt-putt. We mostly just "gimmied" our way through the course. Then he hit some balls in the batting cages. Funny Story: the sign on the cage said 40mph. The balls coming out of the machine were clearly more like 60 or 70mph. The look on Trent's face was just priceless. Needless to say he didn't hit 1 ball. We went to another machine that was more his speed.
Later that afternoon we went to my Aunt and Uncle's house for a Easter Egg Hunt.

Both Trent and T
az came back with
alot of money. Trent found $36. Alyssa was more upset she found money and candy. Trent tried to trade her candy for her money, but I wouldn't let him.

After we left my uncle's house we went over to my sister's and colored Easter Eggs. Alyssa was very careful just look at her face below.

They turned out awesome.
Check out Ashley's spotted egg, cool huh?

Then on Sunday we went to church.

The service was unbelievable. I left in tears and thankful that Jesus died for me.
Then we went to Aunt Netta's for lunch and Uncle Stan's to hunt more eggs.
Trent and cousin Kimberly who is visiting from Chicago!

All of the cousins @ Uncle Stan's.

Sunday evening we went to mom and dad's. They had been gone all week to Disney with my sister. On the way back they brought back GRANDMA! The kids were so excited!! Here is a great picture of the Alyssa spending some time with Grandma in her room. She knows were all of the candy is hid. (Notice the fuzzy socks, Alyssa just had to have some too)

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