Sorry, guys. My internet has been down at home and we finally got it fixed.
Iknow techincally you are suppose to have them removed before they come out of the gum, but he never did and they are now causing problems. When he got there they informed him that the wouldn't be put to sleep. So we paid extra for the laughing gas.
When to Remove Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth cause more problems than any other tooth in the mouth. They will either partially break the gum tissue and grow in crooked or remain underneath the gum. In nine out of ten people, at least one tooth remains underneath the gum - referred to as an impacted tooth, causing symptoms of future problems of varying degrees. "Even if you have no symptoms now, headaches, earaches, pain in the face, neck, throat and upper and lower teeth can occur if impacted wisdom teeth are not removed."
When is the Best Time to Have my Wisdom Teeth Removed?
It is now recommended by specialists that impacted wisdom teeth be removed between the ages of 14 and 22 years whether they are causing problems or not. Surgery is technically easier and patients recover much more quickly when they are younger. What is a relatively minor operation at 20 can become quite difficult in patients over 40. Also the risk of complications increases with age, and the healing process is slower. (Of course it is........ that's what I needed.)
Ps....He did fine.
(Notice the sunvisor that Trent made Brett for father's day)