Saturday, September 29, 2012


We had soooo much fun on our Disney Trip. It's hard to believe that it's over.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Last Braves Game of the season....

Last week I won tickets to the Braves Game--Thanks KICKS....

So Brett, Jeff and Trent (along with a couple of Trent's friends) went to see the Braves play those pestly Nats... It was such a good game... and look who was there... BOBBY...

 So... this was awesome.... I took Trent and his friends and we invaded the pre-game parade... We actually walked the field before the game.

I'm not sure who this NAT is... but he was trying so hard not to look at me.....he couldn't help but smile.

Great action shot of Trent robbing someone of a homerun!! LOL
 Trent had fun with Logan and Olin....  and the BRAVES won...
It was sad knowing that this will be my last game of the season. We are going on vacation during their last home games.

Monday, September 03, 2012

Race Weekend....

Another Atlanta Motor Speedway race has come and gone. What a fun filled weekend! Our troopers are awesome! Here are a few pictures....

 Moo Moo (as he is called) loves to check his phone. I had a twitter class on Friday so we could keep up with eachother during the year. We only see eachother once a year so we spend the weekend catching up....
 Trent loved being out there amongst the red necks of the ATL. He sold ice and rode on the golf cart......
Until next year my GSP friends.