Thursday, August 30, 2012

Brace Face

Trent got his braces on Thursday and now he is mad as fire.... It's not as bad as he thought they would be. He wouldn't let me take a picture so that will come later. He decided to get the silver brackets after all and Blue, Yellow and Red bands. So now he looks like your typical 13 year old boy.... 22 months will come in a hurry.. I hope.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Following Chipper

So... I have never been a HUGE Chipper fan.... But ... you have to admit... that he IS THE MAN....

I believe that this might be one of those... "you don't know what you had until it's gone moments.." This time next year we will all understand.... He has had a blessed career for sure.

As you can tell... the man is tired... if you ever watch him "running" off and on the field during each game you notice the effect baseball has had on him. I'm glad that he is at peace with his decision to retire. What a player....

A month or so ago Chipper decided to join social media with his Twitter... It has been the most entertaining. See below.....

Below is a good interview... he does genuinely sound humble..

We all need to sit back and enjoy this last month of baseball and of the best third baseman of our time, Chipper Jones..

Friday, August 10, 2012

First Falcons Game

As part of my VIP experience I received 2 tickets to the Falcons Pre Season Opener. I was very excited because I have never been to a Falcons game... Heather and I arrived to the DOME and preceded to the E gate to get our credentials. Everyone at the DOME was so very nice and professional.

 We were able to stand and visit in the end zone. We watched for almost 2 hours as the players warm upped. Since neither of us are huge Falcon fans... we were a little out of our element.
 There wasnt a huge crowd of fans... it was extrememly loud in the dome. WOW! What an experience. I can atleast say that I have been... But my heart was left at Turner field for sure.

Monday, August 06, 2012

First Day of School....

I failed to take a picture this morning before we left so I took one when I got home. Their first day of school was un eventful... Alyssa was upset she didn't have homework and Trent was upset cause he did....But all in all they seem to have like their classes and had friends to share their day with.

I took Alyssa yesterday for an eye exam... With our insurance it was only $10 so I figured what the heck....I totally think she fudged the exam just to get glasses. The doctor said that she could use alittle help seeing close up... so doesn't she look cute?

Saturday, August 04, 2012


For poor Trent it's that time of life.... In August he will be getting braces. I'm not sure how he will react... another therapy session might be in order. I was lucky enough to never need them but Brett knows the pain that come with getting braces.

Yesterday Trent had 4 remaining baby teeth pulled so we could start the braces process. They were practically just lying in his mouth. He would not ever pull or tug at his loose teeth so the only option for the dentist was to pull them. Now I must decide to put him in clear ones or sliver ones. They will put clear on his top teeth but not his bottom. oh... decisions... decisions....

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Summer is Gone....

So the last week of summer has come and gone. I think the kids had a good summer. They went to Daytona and Texas, birthday parties and went swimming. So now its time for school to begin.

Tonight both kids had open house. They were so excited to meet their teachers and see their friends. Alyssa has been ready for school since June and Trent is just ready to be back with all his buddies. I remember growing up and waiting all year to see what friends are in my classes or if I had lunch with anyone I knew. And so on Monday a new adventure will be begin and so will homework.