Friday, April 27, 2012

Relay For Life

This year, over 1.4 million Americans will hear the words "You have cancer".Every year I to join the American Cancer Society on their mission to save lives by participating in the Relay For Life in my community in honor of so many dear friends and family that have been touched by this horrible diease.

Relay For Life is a time to celebrate loved ones who have won their battle against cancer, pray for those who are still fighting and remember those who are no longer with us.  I am determined to make a difference so no more families will have to endure so much and I hope you will join me.
One of the most moving parts of Relay For Life is the Ceremony of Hope. As the sun goes down over campsites and team members complete laps, the night is brightened by the glow of lighted bags called luminaria, each of which has a special meaning.Some luminaries celebrate the survivorship of people who have battled cancer and lived to tell the tale and many commemorate the lives of those who have been lost to this disease.
 Together, we ARE saving lives and creating a world with more birthdays!

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Walking Dead

This guy was the zombie who ate Dale in the Walking Dead... Trent was so excited to meet him...
And check out Trent's awesome shirt....

Saturday, April 21, 2012


We won 2 of our biggest games this weekend! What a sweet victory...
 Trent is good at ducking out of the way of balls....

What a great weekend for baseball!!! GOOOO TIDE

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ola Day at Turner Field

Another fun day at Turner Field... It never gets old...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Three Stooges

The Three Stooges finally came out at the movie theater!! I volunteered to take the cousins... and guess what.... You CAN see Trent plain as day... He is at about 15 min... into the film.. on the left side of the screen. He was positioned perfect and had alot of face time.... When I saw him I screamed, "there you are." He was so excited to see himself and the movie was actually good...

Monday, April 09, 2012

Happy Easter!

We went to church Easter morning. It was a great service.

 Trent and little E. I think Trent was handing down pointers on different egg hunting strategies...

 I fugured this would be Trent's last year to hunt the eggs... so sad they are growing up.
Boys.. getting too big.. Egos and otherwise.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Hunting Eggs at Unk and Dorothy's House

 Sweet Josie enjoying her found egg.
 Trent was on a mission during his treasure hunt.

 What's Easter without a good ole sack race.....

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Six Flags for Spring Break

For Christmas our family got season passes to Six Flags... So for during spring break I took the kids and some of their friends... It was not that crowded which was a blessing....
If only I could get a serious picture I would be happy...