Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Time

 Little Josie enjoyed her 1st Easter!
It's getting harder and harder to get good pictures of the kids! They don't want to stand beside eachother long enough for me to get the shot!

Friday, April 15, 2011

2011 Spring Pictures

Saturday, April 09, 2011


Braves Weekend for us! I was blessed with Opening Weekend tickets for Friday night and Saturday!
Friday night Brett, Trent, Jeff, my dad and I went. It was great! But note to self... don't buy tickets under the lights.... the bugs are awful.
 It was nice to see Bobby Cox throwing out the first pitch to Freddi.
 Saturday just Trent and I went. It was great. We started with our tradition of watching the Braves batting practice and warming up. Got some great pictures!

 The picture below is of Tim Hudson! What a great guy.... He came over to a young baby and gave him an autograph....
 Check out my awesome shirt!!!!! (and our great seats)
 I was so proud of Trent! After talking him into going over to the dug out with the other kids seeking autographs.... he came back with Brooks Conrads autograph. Trent was so excitied. Brooks poined him out and Trent threw him the ball and then Brooks signed it and threw it back. What a great guy!

Monday, April 04, 2011

American Girl-

My mother in law was gracious enough to take all of us to the American Girl Store! We had a lunchoen and got to meet their 2011 American Girl Doll. 
Alyssa had gotten this American Girl for Christmas. She named her Aly.

This is the American Girl for 2011, Kanani. She is so pretty.
During our meal we learned alot about her lanauge and Hawaii. Ali (Alyssa's doll) even got to sit in a highchair at our table.

Here's the little stinker... as we were trying to get a good picture......

Finally.... a good one.
At the end of our meal we got a delicious dessert. YMMY!

Thanks Grandmommy for the memberable experience! She has played with her new dolls ever since she got home!!