Hey!!! It's Opening Day @ Ola! We are the 11/12 Ola Orioles. I can't believe that Trent is playing on the last field at Ola before he has to play on the biggest field at Sandy Ridge. Time sure does fly.

This is a great picture of Trent and his buddy Phenix. They have been playing together since they were 5 years old.
Some of the boys getting ready for the parade.
Great picture during the National Anthem.
Every single year during the Opening Day Festivities it is freezing and/or raining. This year it was cloudy, but started off really pleasant.... then BAM! As soon as our game was to start @ 11:30am this burst of cold came. Trent pitched extremely well....no walks, 6 strike outs and only 1 earned run. But we lost 5-4. Our defense had a rough day. Trent did well though and that's what counts. (and I must say our team uniforms looked awesome!) I take full credit for that....lol